Are fintech banks safe?

  • To protect your online banking, adopt essential security practices. Regularly monitor bank statements for suspicious transactions and change passwords every three months to prevent breaches.
  • Adopting both traditional and modern security practices, such as regularly monitoring statements, changing passwords, avoiding public Wi-Fi, enabling two-factor authentication, and being cautious of email links.
  • Implementing traditional and modern security measures, such as monitoring statements, regularly changing passwords, avoiding public Wi-Fi, and using secure networks, is essential for protecting fintech bank accounts from unauthorized activities and cyber-attacks.

Fintech banks can be a safe place to deposit your money. However, when choosing a fintech bank, be sure to do your research and take steps to protect your account.

–Alaiya Ding, BTW reporter

To ensure the safety of your online banking activities, adopt both traditional and modern security practices. Regularly monitor your bank statements for small, suspicious transactions to catch scammers early. Change your passwords every three months to reduce the risk of breaches, especially if you reuse passwords across multiple platforms.

Enhancing security measures for fintech bank users

To ensure the safety of your online banking activities, it’s crucial to adopt both traditional and modern security practices. Regularly monitoring your bank statements for small, suspicious transactions can help catch scammers early. Changing your passwords every three months reduces the risk of breaches, especially since many users reuse passwords across multiple platforms. Additionally, avoid using public Wi-Fi for banking and enable two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security. Being cautious of email links and directly typing the bank’s URL in your browser can protect against phishing scams.

Also read: Why is fintech disrupting traditional banking?

Also read: On Cantaloupe, the fintech company pushing for cashless consumption

Essential practices for securing fintech bank accounts

Ensuring the safety of your fintech bank accounts involves a combination of traditional and modern security measures. Regularly monitoring your bank statements for any unusual transactions is a fundamental practice that helps detect unauthorized activities early. Small, unnoticed transactions can be a precursor to larger fraudulent activities. Changing passwords every three months is another crucial step. Despite being advised frequently, many users still neglect this practice, which leaves their accounts vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Avoiding public Wi-Fi for banking transactions is also vital. Public networks are susceptible to cyber-attacks, making it easy for hackers to access your sensitive information. Instead, use secure, private networks or mobile data to conduct banking activities. By adopting these practices, you can significantly enhance the security of your fintech bank accounts and protect your financial information from potential breaches.

Importance of changing passwords and avoiding public Wi-Fi

Changing passwords frequently is a simple yet effective measure to protect your online bank accounts. Many people fall into the habit of using the same password for multiple services, making it easier for hackers to gain access. By updating your passwords every three months, you enhance your account’s security. Additionally, avoid conducting banking transactions over public Wi-Fi networks, as they are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Instead, use secure networks or your mobile data to ensure that your sensitive information remains protected from potential breaches.


Alaiya Ding

Alaiya Ding is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Fintech and Blockchain. She graduated from China Jiliang University College of Modern Science and Technology. Send tips to

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