Apple commits to AI safety in White House Initiative

  • On Friday, The White House announced that in the nine months since President Biden signed an executive order on AI, Apple has joined 16 AI companies in committing to safety, testing and transparency measures.
  • Federal agencies have completed several actions mandated by the order, including issuing technical guidelines for AI safety, providing initial guidance on AI training data, and finalising a national security memo on AI.

The White House highlighted the substantial progress made on AI safety and governance, and Apple’s commitment by its safety pledge marks an important step forward. This move underscores the importance the administration places on responsible AI development. The completed actions announced by The White House, including the AI safety technical guidance, AI training data guidance, and the national security memorandum, reflect a comprehensive approach to manage the risks of AI and promote ethical practices as the technology is deployed across industries.

-Rae Li, BTW reporter

What happened

Nine months after President Biden signed an executive order on AI, The White House announced Friday that Apple joins 16 AI companies that have committed to comply with safety, testing and transparency measures on AI proposed by the Biden administration. The measures are designed to ensure the responsible use of AI technology to protect the public interest and national security. Apple’s inclusion further strengthens private sector collaboration in advancing AI safety standards.

Meanwhile, the U.S. government has made substantial progress in implementing the executive order, completing a number of key tasks. These tasks include releasing the AI Safety Institute’s technical guidance for public comment, providing initial guidance to federal agencies on AI training data, and completing a national security memorandum on AI. In addition, The White House has launched an AI talent acquisition program aimed at enhancing government expertise in AI.

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Why it’s important 

It marks substantial progress in AI safety and governance in both the government and the private sector. Apple’s commitment to safety not only boosts public trust in AI technology but also pushes the industry as a whole towards greater accountability and transparency. Apple’s inclusion sets an example for other companies, encouraging more to follow similarly high standards and work together to build a secure AI ecosystem. Moreover, these developments highlighted by The White House show that the government is actively taking steps to ensure that the development and application of AI technology is in line with national security, privacy protection and ethics.

As AI technologies rapidly evolve and become widely used, ensuring their security and reliability becomes critical. By developing and implementing these security measures and guidelines, the U.S. government is setting a benchmark for global AI governance and pushing the international community to jointly focus on and address the challenges posed by AI.


Rae Li

Rae Li is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering IT infrastructure and Internet governance. She graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle. Send tips to

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