Apple CEO Tim Cook visits Vietnam to talk with local suppliers  

  • Apple CEO Tim Cook arrived in Hanoi on Monday for a two-day visit to Vietnam, a key manufacturing centre for the iPhone maker.
  • Cook will also meet with users of Apple products to better understand how they use them.
  • Cook believes Vietnam’s digital economy is booming, with many of the world’s leading electronics and technology companies, including the US, increasingly investing in production and operations in the country.

Apple CEO Tim Cook arrived in Hanoi, Vietnam on the 15th to begin a two-day working trip to Vietnam to study the possibility of expanding Apple’s cooperation with Vietnam.

Interaction with local Vietnam

Cook will have a busy schedule during his visit to Vietnam, including meeting with several Vietnamese content creators and programmers.

Meeting with students, programmers, and customers not only helps Apple better understand market needs but also demonstrates the tech giant’s interest in supporting and nurturing local talent.

Also read: Apple CEO Tim Cook visits Shanghai as China iPhone sales fall

Apple in Vietnam

According to the local online newspaper VietnamNet, he will also meet with users of Apple products to better understand how they use them.

Last May, Apple opened an online shop in Vietnam, for the first time allowing local consumers to buy any Apple product directly.

Apple is expected to announce plans to deploy Apple Stores in Vietnam during Tim Cook’s visit and provide better after-sales service and technical support to Vietnamese customers.

Vietnam’s digital economy is booming

During his meeting with the then President Vo Van Thuong in San Francisco, last November for the APEC Leaders’ Week, Cook said Vietnam is part of Apple’s special business strategy, as several of Apple’s products are manufactured in this Southeast Asian country, including the Macbook, Ipad, and Apple Watch.

He believes Vietnam’s digital economy is booming, with many of the world’s leading electronics and technology companies, including the US, increasingly investing in production and operations in the country.


Jennifer Yu

Jennifer Yu is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering artificial intelligence and products. She graduated from The University of Hong Kong. Send tips to

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