AI tools revolutionise accessibility for the visually impaired

  • AI tools are enhancing assistive technology for the visually impaired, with new features from companies like Be My Eyes and Google.
  • Innovations include AI-powered apps that assist with tasks like shopping and navigating public spaces, marking a significant shift in accessibility technology.

Recent AI advancements are enhancing assistive technology, offering new independence for the visually impaired. AI tools like Be My Eyes and Google’s Lookout illustrate AI’s potential to improve accessibility and emphasise the need for continued investment in inclusive technology.

— Zoey Zhu, BTW reporter

What happened

AI is making substantial strides in improving accessibility for individuals with disabilities, especially those who are blind or visually impaired. The recent integration of AI into assistive technologies is transforming how visually impaired users interact with the world. For example, the app Be My Eyes has partnered with OpenAI to incorporate an AI model that can see and describe objects in real-time, replacing the need for human volunteers in many cases. This advancement allows users to perform tasks such as selecting clothing or hailing a taxi with more autonomy.

Similarly, Google’s Lookout app, launched in May, now features enhanced AI capabilities designed to assist visually impaired users in navigating their surroundings. These developments highlight the rapid evolution of assistive technologies, driven by AI’s ability to interpret and respond to visual and contextual information.

Beyond these applications, AI is also improving existing tools and creating new opportunities for accessibility. Tech giants like Apple and Google are expanding their AI-powered features to support users with various disabilities, from eye-tracking tools that aid those with physical impairments to advanced voice guidance systems for the blind. This progress signifies a broader trend of integrating AI to enhance independence and inclusivity for people with disabilities, offering them greater control over their daily activities and interactions.

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Why it’s important

The integration of AI into assistive technology is revolutionising accessibility for people with disabilities. Advanced AI-powered tools, such as enhanced screen readers and automated closed captioning, have made everyday tasks more manageable and promoted greater independence. Innovations like Google’s generative AI for describing on-screen content and translating information showcase how AI is driving more effective solutions for users.

Projects such as the Speech Accessibility Project are working to make AI systems more inclusive by improving speech recognition for diverse speech patterns and disabilities. These initiatives are essential for reducing biases and ensuring that assistive technology effectively meets the needs of all users.

Investing in AI for accessibility not only addresses important social responsibilities but also offers practical business advantages. By developing technology that serves a wider range of users, companies can expand their market reach and contribute to a more inclusive society.


Zoey Zhu

Zoey Zhu is a news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in tech trends. She got a Master degree from University College London. Send emails to
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