AI news anchors report round the clock – here’s where to see them

  • AI anchors are digital news presenters powered by artificial intelligence, utilising natural language processing (NLP) and text-to-speech (TTS) technologies to read news scripts in a human-like manner.
  • AI anchors can analyse vast amounts of data, adapt to different reporting styles, and even interact with viewers in real time.

The rise of AI-powered news anchors is transforming how we access information, offering enhanced news dissemination and personalised services. The introduction of these AI-driven anchors is undeniably a revolutionary shift in the news industry. By understanding the communication logic of AI virtual anchors, media workers can seize new opportunities with innovative thinking.

–Jinny Xu, BTW reporter

The media industry is undergoing a significant transformation with the advent of AI anchors. These technologically advanced entities leverage natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to interpret news scripts and produce human-like speech through sophisticated speech synthesis technology. AI anchors deliver news in real time, imitating the style and tone of their human counterparts while adjusting to audience preferences and the situational context.

AI anchor Kim

The rise of AI anchors

AI anchors are digital news presenters powered by artificial intelligence, utilising natural language processing (NLP) and text-to-speech (TTS) technologies to read news scripts in a human-like manner. They rely on machine learning algorithms to improve accuracy and personalisation and are visually represented through computer-generated imagery (CGI) to enhance viewer engagement.

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These AI-driven personas deliver news content around the clock, adapting to real-time updates and interacting with viewers through live chats and social media. While offering benefits like multilingual capabilities and consistent delivery, challenges include achieving naturalness in speech and addressing ethical concerns surrounding job displacement and the responsible use of AI in journalism.

AI anchors have emerged as a revolutionary force in the media industry, signalling a shift towards greater automation and technological integration. AI anchors offer the potential to revolutionise how news is delivered, providing a consistent, tireless, and adaptable alternative to human presenters.

Pop quiz

What technologies do AI anchors use to read news scripts in a human-like manner?

A) Facial recognition and speech synthesis

B) Natural language processing (NLP) and text-to-speech (TTS)

C) Voice recognition and image processing

D) Data mining and machine translation

The correct answer is at the bottom of the article.

Applications in different countries


China has revealed its latest digital news anchor, an artificial intelligence (AI) powered “woman” that delivers news 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. China’s state-owned news outlet People Daily unveiled its new AI-created presenter named “Ren Xiaorong” in a video posted on the country’s main social media platform Weibo.

Chinese AI anchor Ren Xiaorong

The Chinese Community Party’s (CCP) official news outlet People Daily claims Xiaorong has the professional skills of a “thousand presenters”. “For 365 days, 24 hours, I will be reporting news for the whole year, round the clock, without rest,” Xiarong adds. “Whether at news sites or back in the studio, you will always see me. Every conversation, every feedback you provide, will only make me smarter.”

“For 365 days, 24 hours, I will be reporting news for the whole year, round the clock, without rest.”

Ren Xiaorong

During the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China also unveiled a virtual host as well as the country’s first AI sign language presenter.

South Korea

According to Korea JoongAng Daily, MBN, a South Korean cable channel, has made history as the country’s first broadcaster to introduce artificial intelligence (AI) technology for news reporting. The channel has transformed its news anchor Kim Ju-ha into an AI entity under the full control of the company.

Kim Ju-ha and AI Kim

Reportedly, the virtual news anchor, named AI Kim, closely resembles her human counterpart in appearance, mannerisms, and voice. Even small details such as Kim’s habit of fiddling with a pen during reporting have been replicated to near perfection. “I was created through deep learning 10 hours of video of Kim Ju-ha, learning the details of her voice, the way she talks, facial expressions, the way her lips move, and the way she moves her body,” said AI Kim, adding, “I am able to report news exactly the way that anchor Kim Ju-ha would.”

“I am able to report news exactly the way that anchor Kim Ju-ha would.”

AI kim


The South Asian nation launched its first AI-powered anchor. Sana made history on Aaj Tak’s prime-time show by presenting a news report entirely in French, marking a significant milestone in the country’s field of broadcasting.

Kuwait: Middle East’s first AI news presenter

Besides India and Indonesia, a Middle Eastern media company also launch its first virtual news presenter. The AI anchor “Fedha” appeared on the Twitter account of Kuwait News, and it generated a flood of reactions on social media.


Even in Malaysia, the generative AI wave in newsroom operations has commenced. Two AI avatars were introduced in May 2023 in one of the country’s leading broadcast news organisations, Astro Awani. Joon is an AI avatar that appears on Astro Awani’s channel 501, delivering news reports in Malay during the evening news broadcast. Monica, who has a Scandinavian appearance, joins the Agenda AWANI talk show discussion every night on the same day.

Advantages of AI anchors

The integration of AI anchors in the media industry presents numerous advantages:

Timeliness: AI anchors excel in rapid news reporting during critical events by utilising AI video generation and advanced data analytics. They swiftly analyse diverse data sources and provide real-time updates on developing situations, ensuring continuous audience engagement. The integration of AI-generated video with tailored anchor personas enhances breaking news coverage speed, saving 10 to 20 minutes compared to traditional anchors.

Cost efficiency: AI anchors optimise news production workflows by reducing human resource costs, studio usage, and maintenance expenses. They automate repetitive tasks like script narration and video editing, reallocating resources efficiently. News outlets can redirect cost savings into essential news coverage areas, potentially saving at least $400,000 annually.

Accuracy: AI anchors ensure precise and error-free news dissemination, avoiding human errors and misinformation. Powered by deep learning algorithms and advanced speech synthesis technology, they deliver consistent and reliable news reports. This enhances viewer trust, reduces misinterpretation risk, and strengthens the credibility of news media for global audiences.

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Limitations of AI anchors

Despite their advantages, AI anchors face several limitations. AI anchors cannot replicate the emotional nuances and empathy that human anchors bring to sensitive news stories. As with any technology, AI anchors are susceptible to technical failures, which can disrupt news delivery. The use of AI anchors raises ethical questions about job displacement and the potential spread of misinformation without human oversight. AI anchors cannot engage in spontaneous interactions or adapt to unexpected changes in real-time broadcasts as effectively as humans.

Comparison between AI anchors and human anchors

A human anchor is filming the news

AI anchors and human anchors each bring unique strengths to the table. Human anchors excel in delivering news with emotional depth, contextual understanding, and the ability to engage with audiences through live interactions. They are adept at handling breaking news and can offer nuanced commentary and analysis. On the other hand, AI anchors provide unmatched consistency, efficiency, and the ability to operate without rest. The comparison highlights a potential symbiotic relationship where AI can handle routine news delivery, while human anchors focus on more complex, interactive segments.

Channel 1 founder Adam Mosam believes, “Some elements of the reporting process can be completed by AI, but others cannot be achieved. You can never effectively gather intelligence between people, nor conduct interviews person-to-person. But I can pilot a drone and analyse everything I see.”

“Some elements of the reporting process can be completed by AI, but others cannot be achieved”

Adam Mosam

Ethical considerations

AI news anchors present potential privacy infringement concerns when delivering personalised services. The collection and processing of vast amounts of data by AI technology raise the risk of personal information being gathered without consent and used for unforeseen purposes. The capabilities of AI technology in monitoring information and analysing personal data have prompted discussions on protecting individual privacy rights.

Credibility is another significant ethical issue associated with the use of generative artificial intelligence technology. While AI news anchors can effectively and continuously report news, concerns persist regarding the accuracy and trustworthiness of the information being presented. Addressing algorithmic biases is crucial to prevent AI-generated content from perpetuating misinformation or promoting certain extremist viewpoints.

Integration of AI anchors and human anchors

The future of news delivery likely involves a harmonious integration of AI and human anchors. Media organisations may employ AI anchors for routine news updates, weather forecasts, and financial reports, reserving human anchors for more dynamic and in-depth reporting. This hybrid approach can optimise resource allocation, enhance viewer engagement, and ensure a high standard of journalism.

As AI technology continues to evolve, its role in the media industry will undoubtedly expand. The key lies in leveraging the strengths of both AI and human anchors to create a more efficient, engaging, and reliable news ecosystem. AI anchors are not poised to replace their human counterparts entirely but rather to complement them, heralding a new era of collaborative news broadcasting.

The correct answer is B, The Natural language processing (NLP) and text-to-speech (TTS)


Jinny Xu

Jinny Xu is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Fintech and AI. She graduated from Chongqing Institute of Foreign Studies.Send tips to

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