Chinese AI chatbot Kimi handles 2 million characters, up from 200k

  • Moonshot AI’s updated Kimi chatbot can handle up to 2 million Chinese characters in a single prompt, up from the previous 200,000 characters.
  • Company founder Yang Zhilin has said that the ability to process long prompts is critical to the future development of AI models.

Alibaba-backed Moonshot AI claims breakthrough in expanded Chinese-character prompt for Kimi chatbot.

The chatbot Kimi

Chinese artificial intelligence company Moonshot AI claims that its Kimi chatbot can now handle up to 2 million Chinese characters in a single prompt. The instruction or query a user enters into the interface of a ChatGPT-like service surpasses the capabilities of existing home-grown AI tools.

This startup, known in Chinese as Yuezhi Anmian, said this feature on its updated Kimi chatbot is currently in beta testing and is limited to invited users before a wider roll-out, the company said in a statement on Monday.   

Launched last October, the chatbot was built on the firm’s self-developed Kimi large language model (LLM).

Moonshot AI engineering vice-president Xu Xinran said in the statement, “We believe that the exponential expansion of the size of an LLM’s context window will help unleash users’ imagination for various AI applications.”

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Moonshot AI founder Yang Zhilin told an industry event last year that the ability to process long prompts is critical to the future development of AI models.

With Kimi’s updated feature, Moonshot AI has surpassed the prompt capacity of Baichuan, a company established by Sogou founder Wang Xiaochuan.

Kimi’s ability makes the largest single funding round for a Chinese AI startup since the November 2022 release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

Moonshot AI last month raised more than US$1 billion in a new funding round led by e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding and venture capital firm HongShan.

At an event on Monday, Moonshot AI showcased various tasks made possible by Kimi’s expanded prompt capacity. This chatbot can provide medical advice after reading a Chinese medicine manual, and can even offer advice about the stock market for AI chip giant Nvidia based on the company’s multi-year financial reports.


Jennifer Yu

Jennifer Yu is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering artificial intelligence and products. She graduated from The University of Hong Kong. Send tips to

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