Tourism at 100,000 feet: Startups offer stratospheric balloon rides

  • Three startups, including Zephalto and Space Perspective, aim to lift tourists to the stratosphere using massive gas-filled balloons.
  • Tickets range from $50,000 per seat with World View to approximately $184,000 with Zephalto, catering to adventurous travellers seeking unique views.

Stratospheric tourism marks a leap forward in the quest for extraordinary travel experiences. By offering glimpses into the stratosphere, these startups are not just selling tickets but also offering a transformative journey that resonates deeply with our innate curiosity about the universe. As interest grows, these ventures are poised to redefine luxury travel, making the stars more accessible than ever before.
Doris Du, BTW reporter

A new era of tourism is on the horizon as startups like Zephalto and Space Perspective prepare to launch tourists into the stratosphere at heights of 100,000 feet. This innovative approach offers a breathtaking alternative to traditional space travel experiences, promising unparalleled views and a surreal adventure for enthusiasts.

What happened

In response to growing demand for unique travel experiences, startups Zephalto, Space Perspective, and World View are pioneering balloon rides that ascend to the stratosphere. These ventures cater to adventurous travellers seeking extraordinary perspectives of Earth, with flights promising a glimpse into the depths of space without the rigorous training associated with rocket-powered flights.

Also read: How does space weather affect satellites?

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Why it’s important

The emergence of stratospheric tourism represents a significant shift in the travel industry, blending adventure with luxury for affluent travellers. Beyond offering spectacular views, these ventures underscore humanity’s ongoing fascination with space and the growing accessibility of once-unattainable experiences.

Personal perspective

For travellers, the allure lies not just in the breathtaking vistas but in the opportunity to embark on a journey that transcends earthly boundaries. These balloon rides offer a chance to connect with the cosmos and gain a newfound appreciation for our planet’s beauty and fragility.


Doris Du

Doris Du is a reporter at BTW Media. She graduated with a master's degree in Translating and Interpreting from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Send tips to

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