Elevating healthcare with comprehensive patient engagement solutions, by Nubitel Technology

  • Transitioning to a cloud-based omnichannel system enhanced patient care, streamlining communication across phone, email, chat, and social media.
  • Integrating multiple standalone systems improved operational efficiency, reducing costs and ensuring more effective patient service delivery.
  • Leveraging data insights allowed for tailored patient services, resulting in higher satisfaction and proactive issue resolution.

In the healthcare sector, providing an exceptional patient experience is essential for ensuring satisfaction and operational efficiency. For Singapore’s top private healthcare group, achieving this goal necessitated a major upgrade from their outdated on-premises contact centre to a modern, cloud-based omnichannel system.

Addressing challenges of outdated technology

The healthcare group faced significant obstacles with their legacy on-premises contact centre. The rigid, hardware-based setup no longer met the evolving needs of a dynamic healthcare environment. High maintenance costs and limited scalability hindered the organisation’s ability to respond effectively to patient demands.

Additionally, the group dealt with fragmented processes due to multiple standalone systems for functions like appointment scheduling and case management. These inefficiencies led to high operational costs and delays. A unified solution was needed to streamline these processes and enhance service delivery.

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Transforming patient engagement with a cloud-based solution

The transition to a centralised cloud-based omnichannel contact centre represented a major leap forward for the healthcare group. By integrating various communication channels—including phone calls, emails, chats, and social media—into a single platform, the group significantly improved the patient experience. This approach ensured consistent and precise management of patient interactions, leading to faster query resolution and a more cohesive patient journey.

Modernising the contact centre with unified communications services further optimised business communication. By consolidating systems into one platform, the healthcare group enhanced the efficiency of managing patient inquiries and internal communications, fostering better coordination among departments and improving overall service effectiveness.

Transforming patient engagement with a cloud-based solution

Also read: Nubitel CX launches enhanced omnichannel CRM connector

Embracing data-driven strategies for superior service

Migrating to a cloud-based contact centre has provided numerous benefits, such as scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency. The cloud infrastructure allows for seamless updates and expansions, keeping the healthcare group’s operations adaptable to changing needs.

Incorporating data-driven strategies also played a crucial role in enhancing customer service excellence. By analysing patient interactions and behaviour, the group could tailor services to better meet individual needs. These insights enabled the organisation to proactively address potential issues and refine the patient experience, resulting in higher satisfaction and more effective service delivery.

My opinion

The shift from an outdated on-premises system to a cloud-based omnichannel contact centre has greatly improved the healthcare group’s ability to deliver outstanding patient care. By integrating communication channels, adopting cloud technology, and implementing data-driven strategies, the group has optimised service delivery and positioned itself for continued success in a competitive landscape. For healthcare organisations aiming to enhance patient experience and operational efficiency, exploring the advantages of an omnichannel contact centre and unified communications is a strategic move.

Also read: Exploring the best conversational AI platforms

About Nubitel Technology

Established in 2000, Nubitel Technology (formerly known as Microtel Technology) has been a leader in developing and delivering innovative solutions for businesses’ customer engagement requirements.

With two decades of industry experience, Nubitel specialises in providing comprehensive customer engagement solutions, integrating contact centre systems with case management and backend business systems such as CRM and appointment management.

Nubitel supports over 2,000 agent seats across various sectors, including public service providers, government, healthcare, and BPOs, in Singapore and Malaysia.


Cassie Gong

Cassie is a news reporter at BTW media focusing on company profiles, interviews, podcasts, networking, sustainability, and AI. She graduated from Newcastle University, UK with a Master’s degree in Translating & Interpreting and now works in London and Hangzhou. Send tips to c.gong@btw.media.

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