Altrove uses AI models and lab automation to create new materials

  • In the past nine months, Altrove has predicted more stable matter than has been found in the previous 49 years.
  • In the manufacture of new materials, only knowing the existence of new materials is not enough, but also affected by various factors.

The creation of a new material is very complex. When you combine two different chemical elements together, there are thousands of possibilities. When you want to deal with three different elements, there are tens of thousands of combinations. With four elements, you have millions of possibilities.
–Zora Lin, BTW reporter

What happened

French tech company Altrove, which has raised $4 million to play a role in this innovation cycle, is making great strides in predicting and creating new materials.

“Research and development to find new materials has been very slow over the past 50 years,” says Thibaud Martin, co-founder and CEO of Altrove. One of the big questions is: how do you predict whether matter made of a small number of elements can theoretically exist?

“We’ve predicted more stable matters in the last nine months than we’ve found in the last 49 years,” Martin says.

But when it comes to making new materials, it’s not enough to just know they exist. “Recipes are not just about what you put together. It’s also about proportions, at what temperature, in what order, and for how long. So there are a lot of factors, a lot of variables that go into making new materials.”

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Why it’s important

Altrove’s progress demonstrates the breakthrough technology companies are making in the research and development of new materials. By utilizing advanced predictive techniques, they are able to predict stable new materials more quickly, an area that for a long time was considered slow to develop.

With the ability to predict stable substances, they can experiment and manufacture in a targeted manner, avoiding a lot of trial and error, thus saving time and resources.

Altrove’s work involves a combination of scientific prediction and engineering manufacturing, where they not only solve theoretical problems in materials science, but also take into account various complex factors in engineering during the actual manufacturing process, and this interdisciplinary integration is crucial to advancing the development of materials science and engineering technology.


Zora Lin

Zora Lin is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Products and AI. She graduated from Chang’an University. Send tips to

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