Interview with Kong Weijun at iFLYTEK: AI’s impact on legal innovation

  • iFLYTEK launches the Starfire Legal Mega Model with seven core functionalities.
  • The company addresses challenges like data hallucination and ethical concerns.

In a recent interview with Kong Weijun, Chief Engineer of Judicial Services at iFLYTEK, we delved into the transformative potential of the Starfire Legal Mega Model, aimed at revolutionising judicial processes through advanced AI technologies. iFLYTEK, a leading artificial intelligence company in China, has made remarkable strides with its innovative AI technologies. Kong Weijun oversees the development and implementation of AI technologies, including the Starfire Legal Mega Model, aimed at transforming judicial processes with innovative AI solutions. One of its latest advancements, the Starfire Legal Mega Model, is a significant milestone in the integration of AI into the legal sector. This interview explores the journey of iFLYTEK, its achievements, challenges, and the future of AI in the judicial system.

Introducing the Starfire Legal Mega Model

iFLYTEK’s Starfire Legal Mega Model is a testament to the company’s dedication to advancing AI technology. The model boasts seven core functionalities: language understanding, knowledge-based question answering, text generation, mathematical capabilities, reasoning abilities, and multimodality. These capabilities are derived from the collective efforts of millions of developers, reflecting a robust foundation in AI development.

The legal sector presents unique challenges that require specialised AI solutions. To address this, iFLYTEK has identified twelve essential capabilities for the judicial field, including the extraction of case elements, generation of dispute focal points, and judicial case reasoning. These functionalities are integrated into a product called the AI Judge Assistant, which utilises the Starfire Legal Mega Model to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of judicial processes.

“Our main application of the legal mega model is to assist judges and court staff, aiming to incorporate more recommendation logic and automated summarisation to further enhance work efficiency and reduce workload,” explains an iFLYTEK representative.

Kong Weijun, Chief Engineer of Judicial Services at iFLYTEK

Kong Weijun highlighted the following key functionalities of the Starfire Mega Model:

  • Language understanding, knowledge-based question answering, text generation, mathematical capabilities, reasoning abilities, multimodality, and more.
  • These capabilities, derived from extensive developer input, cater specifically to the judicial sector, addressing twelve critical functionalities such as case element extraction and judicial reasoning.

Practical applications and integration

Discussing practical applications, Kong cited the integration of the mega model into products like the AI Judge Assistant. This integration not only enhances content summarisation and generation but also incorporates tailored search logic and industry-specific knowledge bases to tackle complex legal scenarios effectively.

Overcoming challenges and ethical considerations

Addressing challenges, Kong highlighted two primary concerns:

  • Data hallucination inherent in mega models, necessitating a careful balance of search and generation functionalities.
  • Ethical considerations, ensuring outputs are unbiased and positively oriented through stringent data prioritisation and safety audit mechanisms.

Future prospects and real-world applications

iFLYTEK’s vision for the Starfire Legal Mega Model extends beyond assisting judges and court staff. The company aims to incorporate more recommendation logic and automated summarisation to enhance work efficiency further. This move is expected to reduce the workload of judicial personnel and elevate the overall level of intelligence in the courts.

One real-world example of the AI Judge Assistant’s impact is in handling repetitive tasks such as document summarisation and data extraction. By automating these processes, judges and court staff can focus on more complex and nuanced aspects of their work. This not only improves efficiency but also reduces the risk of human error.

We do not want the results generated by the mega model to be directive or to convey negative sentiments. To address this, we prioritise positive data during the training process and implement safety audit mechanisms.

Kong Weijun, Chief Engineer of Judicial Services at iFLYTEK

Personal opinion

As we delve into the technological advancements of iFLYTEK, it’s important to remember the human element behind these innovations. The AI Judge Assistant is more than just a tool; it represents a step towards a future where technology and humanity coexist harmoniously. For many, this journey resonates on a personal level, reflecting the broader societal changes that AI brings.

Reflecting on the evolution of iFLYTEK’s AI initiatives, one can’t help but feel a sense of admiration and hope. These advancements are not just about efficiency and productivity; they symbolise a commitment to ethical AI development and a vision of a future where technology enhances our lives in meaningful ways.

As iFLYTEK continues to push the boundaries of AI in the legal sector, it is essential to appreciate the blend of innovation, ethical considerations, and human impact that defines their journey. This balance ensures that the future of AI is not just bright but also aligned with the values and needs of society.

Reflecting on my own experiences, the rapid development of AI, especially in areas like judicial assistance, fills me with a mix of excitement and contemplation. It’s a reminder of how technology can profoundly impact our daily lives, bringing both challenges and opportunities. iFLYTEK’s journey is a testament to the potential of AI to transform industries while keeping the human element at its core.


Doris Du

Doris Du is a reporter at BTW Media. She graduated with a master's degree in Translating and Interpreting from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Send tips to

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