Epic Games returns ‘Fortnite’ to Apple’s iOS in EU

  • Epic Games has announced the return of “Fortnite” to Apple’s iOS systems in the EU amid its long-lasting legal battle with Apple.
  • Epic Games’ decision to return Fortnite to iOS in the EU challenges Big Tech’s monopoly, advocating for an open app ecosystem.

Apple’s ban on the third-party application store limits its users’ right to choose and stifles technological innovation as well. Epic Games’s move to introduce Fortnite on AltStore and hint at more third-party platforms is revolutionary, potentially reshaping app distribution.
–Ashley Wang, BTW reporter

What happened

Epic Games announced the return of its popular game “Fortnite” to Apple’s iOS systems in the European Union, marking a significant development in its ongoing legal and commercial dispute with major tech companies. This move follows a protracted legal battle with Apple over App Store policies, particularly the high commissions on in-app payments and restrictions on app distribution.

The decision to reintroduce Fortnite on iOS in the EU comes after Apple approved the Epic Games Store app for iPhones and iPads in Europe earlier this July. This approval has been made under increasing antitrust scrutiny from EU regulators, who have criticised Apple’s practices under the Digital Markets Act for stifling competition.

Epic also plans to introduce Fortnite to the AltStore, a third-party app store on iOS in the EU and hinted at future support for additional third-party platforms. This strategy underscores Epic’s advocacy for an open app ecosystem, challenging what it perceives as monopolistic practices by major tech companies.

Also read: Apple plans to launch its first foldable iPhone in 2026

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Why it’s important

In the context of increasingly stringent scrutiny, Epic Games’ decision to return Fortnite to iOS in the EU showcases its challenging against Big Tech’s iron grip. With Apple and giant companies alike depicted as gatekeepers of the digital world, Epic’s moves resonate with a public increasingly wary of tech monopolies.

The company’s stance is a critical moment in the broader debate over app store practices and digital market competition. By opposing restrictive app store policies, its advocacy for alternative app stores, like the AltStore on iOS, hints at a future where app distribution isn’t just the purview of tech giants. It is a revolutionary move, giving global users multiple choices as well as inspiring technological advancement within a freer competition environment.


Ashley Wang

Ashley Wang is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in artificial intelligence. She graduated from Zhejiang Gongshang University. Send tips to a.wang@btw.media.

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