NodeMonkes pushes bitcoin NFT weekly sales to $168.5M, tops ethereum

  • Sales of bitcoin nonfungible tokens (NFTs) have recently surpassed ethereum, driven by the popularity of Bitcoin Ordinals collections like NodeMonkes, contributing to an 80% surge in sales.
  • NodeMonkes, a 10,000-piece pixelated profile picture collection introduced in December, has seen its sales rise by 170% to nearly $41 million, placing it second in overall NFT sales.

Over the past seven days, sales of bitcoin nonfungible tokens (NFTs) have just overtaken ethereum due to a sharp increase in NFT collections based on Bitcoin Ordinals, mostly driven by the collection NodeMonkes.

Bitcoin NFT sales skyrocket

Sales of bitcoin NFTs surged 80% week over week to $168.5 million, with bitcoin Ordinals-based collections accounting for three of the top five best-selling NFT collections. While sales of Ethereum barely reached $162 million, according to data from CryptoSlam!.

Ordinals, which debuted in January 2023, gave users the means to generate assets like NFTs by enabling them to enter data, including pictures, into satoshis (sats), the smallest unit of currency in bitcoin.

Also read: Solana NFTs hit $5 billion mark in sales

NodeMonkes surpasses $500M in market valuation

The category with the highest sales was Uncategorised Ordinals, with over 47,000 transactions totaling over $43 million in sales.

NodeMonkes, a bitcoin-based collection, came in second place with sales of almost $41 million, up about 170% from the previous week. With sales of more than $10 million, the Ordinals collection Natcats finished the week in fourth place.

NodeMonkes, a group of 10,000 distinct Ordinals in the manner of pixelated profile pictures (PFPs), was introduced in December.

NodeMonkes’ market valuation has surpassed $500 million, according to a post by X user “NFTstats” on March 2. This makes it the third-largest PFP-style NFT collection across all blockchains.


Sylvia Shen

Sylvia Shen is an editorial assistant at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Fintech and Blockchain. She graduated from the University of California, Davis. Send tips to

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