Top tech news stories today: May 7, 2024

Stay ahead with today’s top tech news stories. Dive into the details of Microsoft’s ambitious carbon capture project, the role of AR in marketing with major backing from Mitsubishi, and exciting launches in smart glasses technology by Rokid.


1. Resilience launches new cyber risk tools to empower clients to improve their risk mitigation

Resilience introduced two new cyber risk management tools, enhancing its cyber insurance offerings. These tools aim to improve loss prevention and risk assessment, enabling companies to proactively manage and mitigate cyber risks more effectively. (The Fintech Times)

2. SoftBank leads $1 billion funding for UK self-driving startup Wayve

British startup Wayve has secured $1.05 billion in a Series C funding round led by SoftBank, with significant contributions from Nvidia and Microsoft, to advance its Embodied AI technology in autonomous vehicles. (Reuters)

Internet governance

3. WTISD 2024: Digital innovation for sustainable development

On World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD), observed annually on May 17, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) spotlights digital innovation to address the global digital divide, aiming to foster equitable technological access and sustainable development. (ITU)

IT infrastructure

4. UFINET appoints Javier Lacasa as executive president

Javier Lacasa has been appointed as the executive president of UFINET, a wholesale telecoms carrier. With 25 years of experience at UFINET, Lacasa has significantly contributed to its growth and expansive fiber optic deployment across Latin America. (Capacity)

5. NetApp partners with Google Cloud to maximise flexibility for cloud data storage

NetApp and Google Cloud are enhancing their partnership to better serve organisations using generative AI and other hybrid cloud workloads. They are introducing a new “Flex” service level for Google Cloud NetApp Volumes and a GenAI toolkit, facilitating more adaptable data storage and efficient AI data operations, streamlining the path towards digital transformation and innovation. (Cloudtech)

Tech trends

6. Microsoft ramps up plans to capture carbon from burning wood

Microsoft has partnered with Stockholm Exergi to capture 3.33 million metric tons of CO2 from a biomass plant in Stockholm, aiming for negative emissions to fulfill its 2030 and 2050 environmental goals. However, the effectiveness and sustainability of wood-burning for bioenergy with carbon capture remain controversial among scientists and environmental groups. (The Verge)


7. Google’s AI plans now include cybersecurity

Google is enhancing cybersecurity efforts by integrating its new Google Threat Intelligence product with the Gemini 1.5 Pro AI model. This tool, which combines resources from Mandiant and VirusTotal, aims to simplify malware analysis and improve threat report accessibility, helping companies better prepare for and respond to cyber threats. (The Verge)


8. Mitsubishi Corporation gives major funding to AR marketing platform, STYLY

STYLY, with significant funding from Mitsubishi Corporation, is expanding its urban AR marketing and entertainment platform. This capital boost enables STYLY to enhance its spatial layer platform, allowing brands to create immersive AR campaigns within real urban settings. (XR Today)

9. Rokid debut new smart glasses for productivity

Rokid has launched the AR Lite spatial computing suite, featuring Rokid Max 2 glasses and Station 2 host unit, powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Platform for advanced graphics and AI capabilities. This lightweight, wearable suite enhances user interaction with its YodaOS-Master OS, aiming to increase adoption in consumer and enterprise markets across various sectors. (XR Today)


10. Trident IoT completes $10M fundraising round, welcomes Vivint’s Todd Pedersen to its board of director

Trident IoT, a technology firm focused on RF development for IoT products, recently completed a successful $10 million fundraising round. The funds will enhance its AI division and engineering capabilities, accelerating IoT product design and reducing time-to-market. Todd Pedersen joins the board, reinforcing the company’s commitment to innovation and customer-centric development strategies. (IoT Evolution)


Sylvia Shen

Sylvia Shen is an editorial assistant at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Fintech and Blockchain. She graduated from the University of California, Davis. Send tips to

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