Why edge computing is essential in today’s digital landscape?

  • Traditional cloud computing alone can’t meet the demands of modern applications. This is where edge computing steps in, offering a distributed computing paradigm that brings computation and data storage closer to the source of data generation.
  • Edge computing is a distributed computing model in which computing takes place near the physical location where data is being collected and analysed, rather than on a centralised server or in the cloud. 
  • This new infrastructure involves sensors to collect data and edge servers to securely process data in real-time on-site, while also connecting other devices, like laptops and smartphones, to the network.

By bringing computation closer to the data source, edge computing offers unparalleled benefits in terms of reduced latency, optimised bandwidth usage, enhanced security, offline functionality, scalability, and integration with emerging technologies. As organisations continue to embrace digital transformation, edge computing will play a pivotal role in unlocking new possibilities and driving innovation across various industries.

Also read: Could AI replace cloud computing?

Why is edge computing important?

Edge computing is important because it creates new and improved ways for industrial and enterprise-level businesses to maximise operational efficiency, improve performance and safety, automate all core business processes, and ensure “always on” availability. It is a leading method to achieve the digital transformation of how you do business.

Increasing computing power at the edge is the foundation needed to establish autonomous systems, enabling companies to increase efficiency and productivity while enabling personnel to focus on higher value activities within the operation.

Benefits of edge computing 

One key advantage of deploying edge computing is its capacity to gather and analyse data at its source, enabling prompt identification and resolution of issues that might otherwise go unnoticed if data were sent to a central server or cloud for processing. By keeping data on-site, the security risks associated with data transfer are minimised, particularly crucial for sectors like finance. Additionally, processing data on-site reduces bandwidth expenses compared to sending all data to a central server or cloud.

Also read: Cloud computing and IoT: How do they work together?

Edge computing indicates a sustainable future

Traditional centralised data(cloud computing) centers consume substantial amounts of energy and water, emit significant CO2, and contribute to electronic waste. Cloud data centers alone are responsible for approximately 300 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent emissions, with their energy consumption growing exponentially.

While some data centers are transitioning to green energy, this alone won’t suffice. A more sustainable strategy involves minimising unnecessary cloud traffic, central computation, and storage by shifting computation closer to the edge. Through our experience, simply reducing data overhead and unnecessary data transfers can slash 60-90% of data traffic, thereby substantially reducing the CO2 footprint of applications and cutting costs.

Edge Computing, which processes and stores data on or near the device where it was generated, holds immense promise in mitigating these issues. By reducing reliance on cloud resources and minimising data transmission, Edge Computing significantly curtails energy consumption and carbon emissions on a large scale.


Aria Jiang

Aria Jiang, an intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in IT infrastructure. She graduated from Ningbo Tech University. Send tips to a.jiang@btw.media

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