What is hybrid automation and what are the benefits?

  • Integrating different automation approaches to create a more flexible and efficient system.
  • Leveraging both human and machine capabilities to handle complex and varied workflows.

Hybrid automation refers to the integration of various automation strategies, combining both human intervention and automated processes to optimise efficiency and flexibility. This approach is designed to leverage the strengths of different automation techniques, creating a system that can adapt to a wide range of tasks and challenges.

Key components of hybrid automation

Human-in-the-Loop automation: One of the critical aspects of hybrid automation is the inclusion of human oversight and decision-making in the automation process. In situations where complex judgment or creative problem-solving is required, human operators can intervene, while routine tasks are handled by automated systems. This collaboration ensures that both machine efficiency and human intelligence are utilised effectively.

Integration of different automation tools: Hybrid automation often involves the combination of various automation tools and technologies, such as robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML). By integrating these tools, organisations can create a more comprehensive automation framework that addresses different aspects of their operations.

Also read: What is automation and why do we use it?

Also read: What is automation and why is it important?

Benefits of hybrid automation

Flexibility: Hybrid automation allows for a more adaptable approach, enabling organisations to handle a diverse range of tasks with varying levels of complexity.

Optimised efficiency: By combining human and machine capabilities, hybrid automation maximises efficiency, ensuring that the most appropriate resources are used for each task.

Improved accuracy: Automated systems can handle repetitive tasks with high precision, while human intervention ensures accuracy in more nuanced situations.

Scalability: Hybrid automation frameworks can be scaled up or down based on the organisation’s needs, making it a versatile solution for growing businesses.

Hybrid automation offers a balanced approach to automating business processes by integrating human expertise with machine efficiency. This method provides flexibility, optimises resource use, and ensures accuracy, making it an ideal solution for organisations looking to enhance their operations in a dynamic and complex environment.


Zoey Zhu

Zoey Zhu is a news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in tech trends. She got a Master degree from University College London. Send emails to z.zhu@btw.media.
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