What is hosted private cloud and what are its applications?

  • A hosted private cloud is a cloud computing environment that combines the advantages of private and cloud environments.
  • The main benefits of hosted private clouds include scalability, exclusivity and control, enhanced security, and more.

Hosted private clouds provide organisations with the best of both worlds: the security and control of a private cloud, and the scalability and flexibility of cloud computing. With its dedicated resources, enhanced security features, and managed services, whether for enterprise applications or government use, managed private clouds can deliver the performance, compliance, and innovation needed to succeed in a digital-first world.

What is a hosted private cloud

A hosted private cloud is a cloud computing environment that combines the advantages of private and cloud environments. It is hosted by a third-party provider but is dedicated exclusively to a single organisation. This means that the infrastructure, including servers, storage, and networking resources, is used solely by that organisation. Unlike a public cloud, where resources are shared among multiple tenants, a hosted private cloud offers the exclusivity and control associated with traditional private clouds, but with the flexibility and scalability of cloud computing.

Also read: Which features are needed for migrating to a private cloud?

Key features of hosted private cloud

1. Exclusivity and control: A hosted private cloud provides dedicated resources that are not shared with other organisations. This exclusivity ensures that performance is consistent and predictable, and it allows organisations to have full control over their IT environment.

2. Scalability: One of the key benefits of a hosted private cloud is its scalability. Organisations can easily adjust their resources based on changing needs, such as increasing storage or computing power, without the constraints of physical hardware limitations.

3. Enhanced security: Security is a top priority in a hosted private cloud. Since the environment is dedicated to a single organisation, it allows for more stringent security measures and compliance with regulatory requirements. This includes advanced threat protection, data encryption, and regular security updates.

4. Customisability: Organisations have the flexibility to tailor their cloud environment to meet specific business requirements. This includes configuring the infrastructure, selecting software, and integrating with existing systems.

Also read: What is a multi cloud strategy and why use it?

Benefits of hosted private cloud

With dedicated resources, organisations can achieve better performance and reliability compared to a shared public cloud environment. This is particularly important for mission-critical applications and workloads.

A hosted private cloud can help organisations meet regulatory compliance requirements and data sovereignty laws by keeping data within a specific geographic location and ensuring that it is managed according to industry standards.

While a hosted private cloud may have higher upfront costs compared to public cloud solutions, it can be cost-effective in the long run. Organisations save on the costs associated with managing physical hardware and benefit from predictable pricing models.

The scalability and customisability of a hosted private cloud allow organisations to innovate and adapt to changing business needs. They can deploy new applications, integrate emerging technologies, and respond to market changes more effectively.

Some applications

1. Enterprise applications: Hosted private clouds are ideal for running enterprise applications, such as ERP and CRM systems, that require high performance and secure environments.

2. Financial services: Banks and financial institutions use hosted private clouds to ensure that sensitive financial data is managed securely and in compliance with stringent regulatory requirements.

3. Healthcare: In the healthcare industry, a hosted private cloud can support the management of patient data, electronic health records (EHRs), and other critical applications, ensuring privacy and compliance with health regulations.

4. Government: Government agencies use hosted private clouds to manage sensitive information, improve operational efficiency, and enhance service delivery while ensuring data security and compliance.


Zora Lin

Zora Lin is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Products and AI. She graduated from Chang’an University. Send tips to z.lin@btw.media.

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