What is edge computing?

  • Edge computing is a distributed computing model that brings computation and data storage closer to the sources of data, thereby accelerating application response times. It is primarily used to reduce latency compared to running applications in a single data centre.
  • Edge computing is often associated with the Internet of Things (IoT), though they are not the same. The massive data generated by IoT devices drives the application of edge computing, which reduces network bandwidth demands and enhances processing speed.
  • Edge computing enhances data security and privacy by processing data at the edge of the network. It also improves operational efficiency and response times by reducing the distance data needs to travel.

Edge computing revolutionises data handling by decentralising computation, positioning it near data sources, which drastically cuts down response times and lessens the load on network bandwidth. This technology is pivotal for IoT applications, where it manages and processes vast amounts of data locally, enhancing overall system responsiveness and operational efficiency. Additionally, by minimising the distance for data transmission, edge computing significantly strengthens security and privacy protections. Its adoption across various industries illustrates its capability to meet the growing demands for faster, more reliable, and secure data processing in our increasingly connected world.

Edge computing definition

Edge computing is a distributed computing framework that places computing resources and data storage close to the sources of data. This strategic placement significantly speeds up response times and minimises latency, which is especially crucial for applications that depend on real-time data processing, such as those in the Internet of Things (IoT) and autonomous vehicles.

By decentralising the data processing from traditional centralised data centres to the edge of the network, edge computing addresses the inefficiencies of data transmission over long distances.

Also read: Comcast uses edge computing and AI to detect and locate outages

IoT synergy

The synergy between IoT and edge computing is significant due to the vast amounts of data generated by IoT devices. By processing this data locally, at or near the source, edge computing reduces the strain on network bandwidth and enhances the speed of data handling.

This local processing capability is vital for real-time applications and services that rely on immediate data analysis and action, such as smart home systems and industrial automation, which can benefit from the reduced latency and increased responsiveness that edge computing provides.

Also read: Telin and Zenlayer team up to deliver edge computing solutions

Security improvements

Edge computing also offers enhanced security and privacy benefits. By processing data locally, sensitive information is less exposed to the vulnerabilities associated with transmitting data over the internet to a central cloud. This local processing not only reduces the opportunity for data breaches but also complies with privacy regulations by allowing data to be processed within its country or region of origin. Moreover, edge computing can provide robust data control and security mechanisms tailored to the specific needs of the network edge, which often involves a diverse array of devices and technologies.


Lucia Mei

Lucia Mei, an intern reporter at BTW Media dedicated to tech-trends, fin tech and IT infrastructure. She graduated from Anhui university of science and technology. Send tips to l.mei@btw.media

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