What is data mining?

  • Data mining is the process of discovering patterns, trends, and relationships in large datasets using statistical algorithms, machine learning techniques, and artificial intelligence.
  • It helps organisations make informed decisions, predict future trends, improve marketing strategies, enhance customer satisfaction, and detect anomalies or fraud.
  • Retailers use data mining to analyse customer purchase history and preferences, healthcare providers utilise it to identify patient risk factors, and financial institutions apply it for credit scoring and fraud detection.

Data mining, or knowledge discovery in databases (KDD), uncovers insights from large datasets. Despite tech advancements, scalability and automation remain challenges. It enhances decision-making by filtering data for valuable information like fraud detection. Combining with tools like Apache Spark expedites insights extraction. AI advancements further drive adoption.

What is data mining?

Data mining entails sifting through extensive datasets to uncover patterns and connections that aid in resolving business issues through data analysis. Utilising data mining techniques and tools, enterprises can anticipate future trends and make well-informed business decisions.

Data mining represents a fundamental aspect of data analytics and serves as a cornerstone discipline within data science, employing sophisticated analytics methods to extract valuable insights from datasets. At a finer level of detail, data mining constitutes a step within the knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) process, a data science approach for gathering, processing, and analysing data. Although data mining and KDD are sometimes used interchangeably, they are more commonly distinguished as separate entities.

The data mining process relies heavily on the efficient execution of data collection, warehousing, and processing. Its applications include describing a target dataset, forecasting outcomes, identifying fraud or security concerns, gaining deeper insights into user demographics, and pinpointing bottlenecks and interdependencies. Moreover, data mining procedures can be executed either automatically or semi-automatically.

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How it works

Data mining is typically carried out by data scientists and other proficient BI and analytics experts. However, business analysts and executives with a knack for data, as well as workers who operate as citizen data scientists within an organisation, can also engage in data mining activities.

The fundamental components of data mining encompass machine learning and statistical analysis, in conjunction with data management tasks performed to prep data for analysis. The advent of machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) tools has automated a significant portion of the process. Moreover, these tools have facilitated the mining of vast datasets, such as customer databases, transaction records, and log files from web servers, mobile apps, and sensors.

While the number of stages may vary based on the desired granularity within an organisation, the data mining process can typically be delineated into the following four primary stages:

1. Data gathering

Identifying and aggregating pertinent data for an analytics application. The data may reside in diverse source systems, a data warehouse, or a data lake—an increasingly prevalent repository in big data environments housing a mix of structured and unstructured data. External data sources can also be leveraged. Regardless of its source, data scientists often transfer it to a data lake for subsequent stages in the process.

2. Data preparation

This phase entails a series of steps to ready the data for mining. Data preparation commences with data exploration, profiling, and pre-processing, followed by data cleansing endeavours to rectify errors and other data quality concerns, such as duplicate or absent values. Data transformation is also conducted to ensure consistency in datasets, unless a data scientist opts to analyse unfiltered raw data for a specific application.

3. Data mining

Once the data is prepared, a data scientist selects the appropriate data mining technique and then deploys one or more algorithms to undertake the mining. These techniques may involve analysing data relationships and uncovering patterns, associations, and correlations. In machine learning scenarios, the algorithms typically require training on sample datasets to discern the sought-after information before they’re executed against the entire dataset.

4. Data analysis and interpretation

The results of data mining are utilised to formulate analytical models that can inform decision-making and other business actions. Moreover, the data scientist or another member of a data science team must communicate the findings to business executives and users, often employing data visualisation and data storytelling techniques.

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Industry examples of data mining

Retail: Online retailers utilise customer data and internet clickstream records to refine marketing campaigns, advertisements, and promotional offers tailored to individual shoppers. Data mining and predictive modelling also underpin recommendation engines that suggest potential purchases to website visitors, alongside inventory and supply chain management activities.

Financial services: Banks and credit card companies employ data mining tools to construct financial risk models, identify fraudulent transactions, and assess loan and credit applications. Additionally, data mining plays a role in marketing endeavours and pinpointing opportunities for upselling among existing customers.

Insurance: Insurers utilise data mining to inform insurance policy pricing, evaluate policy applications, and conduct risk modelling for prospective clients.

Manufacturing: Manufacturers deploy data mining to enhance uptime and operational efficiency in production facilities, optimise supply chain performance, and ensure product safety.

Entertainment: Streaming services analyse user viewing or listening habits to provide personalised recommendations based on individual preferences. Similarly, individuals may engage in data mining of software to gain deeper insights.

Healthcare: Data mining aids healthcare professionals in diagnosing medical conditions, devising treatment plans, and interpreting medical imaging results. Furthermore, medical research relies heavily on data mining, machine learning, and other analytics methodologies.

HR: Human resources departments manage vast quantities of data encompassing retention rates, promotions, salaries, and benefits. Data mining assists in analysing this data to enhance HR processes.

Social media: Social media platforms leverage data mining to amass extensive datasets on users and their online activities. These datasets are controversially utilised for targeted advertising or may be sold to third parties.


Lydia Luo

Lydia Luo, an intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in IT infrastructure. She graduated from Shanghai University of International Business and Economics. Send tips to j.y.luo@btw.media.

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