What is blockchain interoperability and how does it work?

  • Blockchain interoperability is the ability of different blockchain networks to communicate and exchange data and value, which is crucial for creating complex, cross-platform applications and enhancing market liquidity. 
  • It is achieved through specialised protocols and technologies which facilitate direct communication and asset transfer between blockchains.

Blockchain interoperability is a foundational aspect of the blockchain ecosystem, enabling disparate networks to interact and exchange information seamlessly for the growth and innovation of blockchain technology.

Definition of blockchain interoperability

Blockchain interoperability is the capability of distinct blockchain networks to communicate and exchange data and value, overcoming the challenge of isolated ecosystems and enabling the development of complex, cross-platform applications. It allows for the seamless interaction between different blockchains, such as using wrapped tokens to directly utilise assets like Bitcoin on Ethereum-based decentralised finance (DeFi) applications without the need for conversion on centralised exchanges.

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How does blockchain interoperability work

Blockchain interoperability is achieved through the use of specialised protocols and technologies that facilitate communication between different blockchain networks. One of the primary methods is the creation of wrapped tokens, which are digital assets that represent an equivalent value of another asset on a different blockchain. For example, Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) is a token that exists on the Ethereum blockchain but represents the value of Bitcoin (BTC). These wrapped tokens are created through a process that involves locking the original asset in a smart contract, issuing an equivalent amount of the wrapped token on another blockchain, and then redeeming the original asset by burning the wrapped token. This process allows users to move assets between blockchains without the need for centralised exchanges, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

Another key component of blockchain interoperability is the development of cross-chain protocols. These protocols are designed to enable direct communication and value transfer between different blockchains. They often involve complex mechanisms such as relays, which are systems that verify and transfer data or assets from one blockchain to another. These protocols ensure that the integrity and security of the transactions are maintained while allowing for the seamless transfer of assets and information across disparate blockchain networks. The goal of these technologies is to create a unified and interconnected blockchain ecosystem where users can leverage the strengths of various blockchains without being limited to a single network.

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Why is it important

Blockchain interoperability is a pivotal concept in the evolution of blockchain technology, as it addresses the fragmentation of blockchain ecosystems by enabling different networks to communicate and exchange data seamlessly. This capability is essential for unlocking the full potential of blockchain, as it allows for the creation of more complex and integrated applications that can leverage the strengths of various blockchains. 

It is essential for enhancing market liquidity and reducing transaction costs. By facilitating direct asset transfers between blockchains, users can avoid the fees and delays associated with centralised exchanges. This not only improves the user experience but also contributes to a more efficient and secure financial ecosystem. Additionally, interoperability promotes the diversification of ecosystems, allowing users to benefit from the unique features of different blockchains. It also encourages innovation by enabling developers to create new protocols and applications that can operate across multiple platforms, thereby fostering collaboration and driving the growth of the blockchain industry.


Rae Li

Rae Li is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering IT infrastructure and Internet governance. She graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle. Send tips to rae.li@btw.media.

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