What are the inputs for building predictive analytics models?

  • Historical data serves as the foundation for predictive analytics models, providing the necessary context to identify patterns and make predictions.
  • Relevant features and variables are selected based on their potential impact on the model’s outcomes, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of predictions.

The most crucial input for building predictive analytics models is historical data. This data includes past records of events, transactions, or behaviours relevant to the prediction task. Historical data provides the necessary context for the model to learn from and is used to identify patterns, trends, and correlations that can be applied to future scenarios. For example, in a retail setting, historical sales data might include information on past purchases, customer demographics, and seasonal trends, which are essential for predicting future sales.

Features and variables

Relevant features: Features, also known as variables or predictors, are the individual measurable properties or characteristics of the data that the model uses to make predictions. The selection of relevant features is critical, as they directly influence the accuracy and performance of the predictive model. Common examples of features in predictive analytics include customer age, income, location, product type, time of purchase, and more. Feature engineering, the process of selecting and transforming these features, is a key step in building effective predictive models.

Dependent and independent variables: In predictive analytics, the dependent variable (or target) is the outcome that the model aims to predict. For instance, this could be sales figures, customer churn, or risk scores. Independent variables, on the other hand, are the features or predictors that influence the dependent variable. The relationship between these variables is what the model learns to understand and leverage for making predictions.

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Data quality and preparation

High-quality data is essential for building robust predictive models. The inputs must be accurate, complete, and relevant to ensure that the model’s predictions are reliable. Data preparation involves cleaning the data, handling missing values, normalising or scaling variables, and splitting the data into training and testing sets. This preparation process is crucial for ensuring that the model performs well and generalises effectively to new, unseen data.

Domain knowledge

Domain knowledge plays an important role in selecting the appropriate inputs for a predictive model. Understanding the specific industry, business processes, or problem domain helps in identifying which features are most likely to influence the outcome. This expertise guides the feature selection process, ensuring that the model is built on relevant and meaningful data, leading to more accurate and actionable predictions.

The inputs for building predictive analytics models include historical data, relevant features, and variables, all of which are essential for identifying patterns and making accurate predictions. High-quality data and domain knowledge further enhance the effectiveness of these models, ensuring they provide valuable insights for decision-making.


Zoey Zhu

Zoey Zhu is a news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in tech trends. She got a Master degree from University College London. Send emails to z.zhu@btw.media.
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