Understanding colocation: Key features and benefits

  • Colocation is a valuable service for businesses looking to enhance their IT infrastructure without the high costs and complexities of managing their own data centres.
  • As the demand for data and digital services continues to grow, colocation remains a practical and strategic solution for businesses across various industries.

Colocation is a popular service in the world of data centres, providing businesses with a cost-effective and efficient way to host their IT infrastructure. By placing their servers and equipment in a third-party data centre, companies can benefit from enhanced security, reliability, and scalability without the need to maintain their own facilities.

What is colocation

Colocation, often referred to as “colo,” involves leasing space in a data centre to house a company’s IT equipment. The colocation provider supplies the physical infrastructure, including space, power, cooling, and physical security, while the business retains ownership and control over its hardware and software. This model allows companies to focus on their core activities, while the data centre provider ensures a stable and secure environment for their equipment.

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4 key features of colocation services

1. Physical space: Colocation providers offer various options for physical space, including rack space, cages, and private suites. Rack space typically involves leasing a specified number of racks within a shared environment. For more security and control, businesses can opt for cages, which provide a dedicated, enclosed area within the data centre. Private suites offer an even higher level of exclusivity and customisation, allowing companies to design the space according to their specific needs.

2. Power and cooling: One of the primary benefits of colocation is the provision of reliable power and cooling. Data centres are equipped with redundant power systems, including uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) and backup generators, to ensure continuous operation even during power outages. Advanced cooling systems maintain optimal temperatures, preventing equipment from overheating and ensuring peak performance. This infrastructure is critical for businesses that require high availability and uptime for their IT services.

3. Network connectivity: Colocation facilities typically offer robust network connectivity options, including access to multiple Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and high-speed data links. This connectivity ensures low latency and high bandwidth, which are essential for businesses with demanding data and communication needs. The presence of multiple carriers also provides redundancy, enhancing network reliability and resilience.

4. Security measures: Security is a crucial aspect of colocation services. Data centres implement comprehensive physical and digital security measures, including biometric access controls, surveillance cameras, and 24/7 security personnel. These measures protect against unauthorised access and ensure the safety of the housed equipment. Additionally, colocation providers often offer services like data backup, disaster recovery, and cybersecurity solutions to further safeguard client data and systems.

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Benefits of colocation

Colocation offers significant cost savings for businesses by eliminating the need to invest in building and maintaining their own data centres. By leasing space in a colocation facility, companies can avoid these capital expenditures and reduce their ongoing operational costs.

Scalability is another major advantage of colocation. Colocation providers offer flexible solutions that allow companies to easily scale their resources up or down. Whether a business needs additional rack space, or enhanced cooling, colocation facilities can accommodate these changes without requiring significant new investments.

Outsourcing data centre management enables businesses to focus on their core activities, such as developing products and services. Colocation allows companies to benefit from the expertise of specialised data centre operators, ensuring that their IT infrastructure is well-managed and reliable. Enhanced reliability and performance are also critical benefits of colocation whose facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure designed for high availability, including redundant power systems and advanced cooling solutions.


Ashley Wang

Ashley Wang is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in artificial intelligence. She graduated from Zhejiang Gongshang University. Send tips to a.wang@btw.media.

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