The key differences between firmware and software

  • Firmware is the low-level software embedded within hardware devices, providing essential instructions for their operation, while software encompasses the programs and applications that users interact with directly. 
  • Both firmware and software are crucial for the functionality of technology, with firmware acting as the foundational layer and software offering a more versatile, user-friendly interface.

Firmware and software are both essential components of technology, with firmware serving as the critical, embedded instructions that control hardware operations, and software providing the user-friendly applications that enable interaction with devices.

What is firmware

Firmware is a type of software that is embedded within a hardware device, providing the low-level instructions that control its basic functions. Unlike traditional software, which can be easily updated or removed, firmware is typically stored in read-only memory (ROM) or flash memory and is not accessible to the end-user for updates. It is responsible for the initial boot-up process, hardware initialisation, and basic control of the device’s operations. Firmware updates are less frequent and more complex, as they involve direct interaction with the hardware and can be risky if not done correctly.

Also read: Firmware vs. Software: The hidden forces behind your tech

What is software

Software is a collection of instructions, programs, or data that tell a computer how to perform specific tasks. It is the non-physical component of a computer system that enables users to interact with hardware and execute various functions. Software is typically categorised into two main types: operating systems, which manage hardware resources and provide a platform for other programs to run, and application software, which includes programs designed for specific tasks such as word processing, gaming, or web browsing. Software is stored on storage devices and loaded into memory for execution, allowing users to interact with it through a user interface.

Also read: Firmware uncovered: Is it hardware, software, or both?

What is the differences between software and firmware

Firmware is a specialised form of software that is deeply integrated with hardware, while software is a broader category that includes firmware and other programs designed for user interaction and higher-level tasks. Software and firmware differ in several key aspects:

1. Persistence and accessibility: Software is typically stored on external storage devices like hard drives or SSDs and can be easily installed, updated, or uninstalled by the user. Firmware is embedded within the hardware itself, often in ROM or flash memory, and is not easily accessible or updatable by the end-user.

2. Functionality: Software provides a wide range of functionalities, from operating systems that manage hardware resources to applications that perform specific tasks like word processing, gaming, or web browsing. Firmware focuses on low-level instructions that control the basic functions and initial boot-up process of hardware devices.

3. Update frequency and risk: Software’s updates are more frequent and less risky, often providing bug fixes, new features, and security patches. Firmware’s updates are infrequent and carry higher risks, as improper updates can potentially “brick” the device, rendering it unusable.

4. Development and deployment: Software is developed using higher-level programming languages and deployed through various channels like online stores, download links, or pre-installed on devices. Firmware is developed using low-level languages like C or assembly for precise hardware control and deployed by flashing the new firmware onto the device’s ROM.

5. User interaction: Software directly interacts with users through a user interface, allowing them to perform tasks and manage the software. Firmware operates “behind the scenes” and is not directly visible or interacted with by the user.


Rae Li

Rae Li is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering IT infrastructure and Internet governance. She graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle. Send tips to

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