The essential role of optimisers in neural networks

  • The optimiser not only adjusts the weights and biases of the neural network but also handles other important aspects of training, such as regularisation techniques.
  • The goal of the optimiser is to find the set of parameters that result in the lowest possible value of the loss function, which corresponds to the best fit of the neural network to the training data.

In the realm of artificial intelligence and machine learning, neural networks stand out as a powerful tool for solving complex problems across various domains, from image recognition to natural language processing. At the core of training these neural networks lies a fundamental component, the optimiser. But what exactly are optimisers, and why are they so crucial for neural networks? In this blog, you can understand the essential role of optimisers and how they contribute to effective and efficient neural network training.

Understanding the role of optimisers

Minimising the loss function: The primary objective of training a neural network is to minimise the loss function. The loss function measures how well the network’s predictions align with the actual target values. By minimising this loss, we ensure that the network learns to make accurate predictions. Optimisers are algorithms designed to adjust the network’s weights and biases to achieve this goal. They do so by using gradients—partial derivatives of the loss function with respect to each parameter—to guide the updates.

Efficient parameter updates: Optimisers control the learning rate, a hyperparameter that determines the size of the steps taken during parameter updates. An appropriate learning rate is crucial for effective training; if it’s too high, the network may overshoot optimal solutions, while a rate that’s too low can lead to slow convergence. Optimisers manage this balance to ensure efficient learning. Besides, various optimisers use different strategies for updating parameters. For instance, some optimisers apply momentum to accelerate learning, while others adaptively adjust learning rates based on past gradients. These strategies enhance the efficiency of the training process, making it faster and more effective.

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Customising training for specific needs

Selecting the right optimiser: Depending on the specific needs of the neural network, different optimisers may be more suitable. For example, Adam is often favoured for its adaptive learning rate and robustness, while SGD with momentum might be preferred for its simplicity and effectiveness in certain scenarios. Experimenting with various optimisers allows practitioners to find the best fit for their tasks.

Tuning and optimisation: The choice of optimiser and its hyperparameters can significantly impact training results. Researchers and practitioners can experiment with different optimisers and settings to fine-tune the training process and achieve optimal performance.

Optimisers are a cornerstone of neural network training, playing a vital role in minimising loss, updating parameters efficiently, handling large models, speeding up convergence, stabilising training, and enhancing generalisation. By effectively managing these aspects, optimisers ensure that neural networks learn effectively from data and achieve high performance. As neural networks continue to evolve and tackle increasingly complex problems, understanding and leveraging the power of optimisers will remain essential for developing successful and efficient machine learning models.


Lia Xu

Lia XU is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering tech and AI news. She graduated from Zhejiang normal university. Send tips to

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