Architects of network connectivity: The role of cloud engineers

  • Cloud networking offers connectivity to and between applications and workloads across clouds, cloud services, on-premises data centres, and edge networks.
  • There 4 roles of cloud computing you should know: Cloud security analyst, cloud engineer, cloud administrator, and cloud consultant.
  • Cloud engineers provide network connectivity to the cloud.

Cloud computing is the process of accessing applications, networks, analytics, data, and intelligence over the Internet instead of through physical servers. This technology allows companies to scale and innovate more efficiently and flexibly. 

In the dynamic landscape of cloud computing, the role that provides network connectivity to the cloud is often fulfilled by cloud engineers or cloud network architects. These professionals are responsible for designing, implementing, and managing the network infrastructure that connects an organisation’s on-premises resources to the cloud and enables seamless communication between cloud-based services.

Understanding network connectivity in cloud computing

Network connectivity in cloud computing is about more than just establishing a connection; it’s about ensuring secure, reliable, and efficient communication between cloud resources, on-premises infrastructure, and users accessing the cloud from various locations.

4 cloud computing roles to know

1. Cloud security analyst

Cloud security analysts help companies develop and build cloud security architectures and solutions, making sure the companies can operate in a safe, secure environment. They monitor, research, and analyse security risks to mitigate threats and security attacks that may occur to or within the cloud. 

2. Cloud engineer

Cloud engineers build and architect systems on the cloud service provider. They deliver systems design, product assistance, and education on best practices in cloud computing. A cloud engineer might help an organisation migrate to the cloud or configure networking services.

3. Cloud administrator

Cloud administrators maintain the infrastructure and functionality of cloud networks at an organisation. They work with the IT department to design and maintain cloud and other operating system infrastructures.

4. Cloud consultant

Cloud consultants guide companies who want to transition or adopt more cloud-based tools and technologies. They tend to have a broad knowledge of the types of cloud technologies and solutions on the market. The consultants assess a company’s needs and make software suggestions based on the company’s needs, budget, and technical requirements.

Also read: What is hybrid cloud architecture?

Key responsibilities of cloud engineers in cloud computing

Designing virtual network architecture: cloud engineers design the virtual network architecture within the cloud, which includes creating Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs), subnets, and network security groups.

Ensuring secure connectivity: They implement security protocols and encryption methods to protect data in transit and at rest, ensuring that only authorised users and services can access the network.

Managing network services: cloud engineers manage cloud-based network services such as load balancers, VPNs, and Direct Connect services that facilitate connectivity and optimise network performance.

Optimising network performance: They analyse network traffic patterns and implement strategies to optimise performance, such as caching, content delivery networks (CDNs), and network traffic routing.

Implementing disaster recovery: cloud engineers develop and implement disaster recovery plans to ensure business continuity in the event of network failures or outages.

Monitoring and troubleshooting: They continuously monitor network performance and troubleshoot issues to maintain the high availability and reliability of network services.

Also read: Why do many organisations use a hybrid and multi-cloud strategy?

Challenges and considerations

Security: Ensuring the security of the network is paramount, as cloud environments are subject to various threats and vulnerabilities.

Compliance: Adhering to industry-specific regulations and standards is crucial, and network connectivity solutions must comply with these requirements.

Cost management: Cloud engineers must balance the need for high-performance connectivity with cost considerations, optimising the use of cloud resources to control expenses.

Scalability: As the organisation’s cloud usage grows, network connectivity solutions must be scalable to accommodate increased demand.

The role of cloud engineers or cloud network architects in cloud computing is indispensable for establishing and maintaining network connectivity to the cloud. Their expertise in designing secure, efficient, and scalable network architectures is key to the success of cloud initiatives. As cloud computing continues to evolve, the role of cloud engineers will remain central to ensuring that organisations can leverage the cloud to its fullest potential while keeping their networked environments secure and performing optimally.

Network engineers play a pivotal role in cloud computing by providing the network connectivity that serves as the foundation for cloud operations. Their work ensures that cloud environments are not only accessible and performant but also secure and compliant with necessary regulations, allowing businesses to harness the full power of the cloud with confidence.


Fiona Huang

Fiona Huang, an intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in Fintech. She graduated from University of Southampton. Send tips to

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