Taiwan to host Cisco’s latest cybersecurity innovation centre

  • Cisco’s Taiwan Digital Acceleration Plan 3.0 will include the creation of a cybersecurity centre in Taiwan and a partnership with the government to train more cybersecurity professionals.
  • The global cybersecurity sector faces a severe talent shortage,According to the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), over 60% of organisations reported being understaffed in cybersecurity roles.

The tensions between Taiwan and China are emblematic of broader geopolitical struggles in the Asia-Pacific region. As Taiwan continues to develop its democratic institutions and technological capabilities, it remains a focal point of Chinese ambitions and international strategic interests. The ongoing cyber threats, military posturing, and economic dynamics will likely continue to shape the geopolitical landscape, requiring careful navigation by all involved parties to avoid escalation and maintain regional stability.
–Miurio, BTW reporter

Cisco, an US networking equipment maker, announced the establishment of a new cybersecurity centre in Taiwan. As part of its Taiwan Digital Acceleration Plan 3.0, Cisco will collaborate with the Taiwanese government to enhance cybersecurity training and address the global talent shortage in the sector. This comes amid Taiwan’s ongoing complaints about cyberattacks from China, which Beijing denies.

What happened?

Cisco’s Taiwan Digital Acceleration Plan 3.0 will include the creation of a cybersecurity centre in Taiwan and a partnership with the government to train more cybersecurity professionals. This initiative aims to improve threat intelligence and cyber readiness, addressing both local and global demands for skilled cybersecurity workers.

Cisco’s initiative is part of a broader project that includes investments in AI and sustainability operations, particularly at Kaohsiung port in southern Taiwan. While specific investment figures were not disclosed, Cisco’s global innovation officer Guy Diedrich emphasised the open-ended nature of their financial commitment to the digital acceleration program.

Also read: Taiwan accuses Chinese enterprises of poaching and filching

Also read: Taiwan’s TSMC to receive US$11B to build Arizona factory

Why its important?

The global cybersecurity sector faces a severe talent shortage, according to the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), over 60% of organisations reported being understaffed in cybersecurity roles. The survey highlighted that the shortage is making it difficult for companies to adequately protect themselves against cyber threats. Cisco’s initiative to train more individuals in cybersecurity not only supports Taiwan’s needs but also contributes to the global workforce, helping to mitigate risks associated with the talent gap and ensuring a more secure digital environment worldwide.

Taiwan is a frequent target of cyberattacks, particularly from China, according to Taiwanese authorities. Establishing a dedicated cybersecurity centre and providing comprehensive training will significantly bolster Taiwan’s defenses against such threats, enhancing national security and protecting critical infrastructure. This strategic move underscores Cisco’s dedication to enhancing Taiwan’s cybersecurity infrastructure and workforce amidst the broader context of geopolitical cyber threats and the need for advanced digital resilience.


Miurio Huang

Miurio Huang is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in AI. She graduated from Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University. Send tips to m.huang@btw.media.

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