Navigating the hybrid cloud: Maximising flexibility and security

  • Hybrid cloud refers to a cloud computing environment where businesses combine on-premises data centres with public cloud infrastructure. This allows businesses to manage sensitive data on-premises while still benefiting from the scalability and flexibility of the cloud.
  • Hybrid cloud is highly beneficial for organisations that need to maintain certain workloads on-premises due to factors like high-value data or compliance requirements while deploying other workloads to the public cloud.
  • Hybrid cloud is a valuable tool for businesses to leverage the benefits of the cloud while meeting various requirements such as security, cost optimisation, and data management.

Hybrid cloud refers to a cloud computing environment that combines on-premises (within the corporate firewall) and public cloud (external service provider) services. This allows enterprises to store critical data in their own data centres while leveraging the flexibility and scalability of the cloud.

The ability to move workloads between on-premises and cloud environments as needed enables businesses to choose the optimal solution for their specific needs.

What does it mean?

A hybrid cloud refers to a computing environment that combines elements of both public and private clouds. In a hybrid cloud setup, some computing resources are hosted in a public cloud infrastructure, such as those provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP), while others are hosted in a private cloud, which is typically managed by an organisation’s own data centre or a third-party provider.

This setup allows organisations to leverage the scalability and cost-effectiveness of public cloud services while retaining control over sensitive data and critical applications in a private cloud environment. It offers greater flexibility and agility in deploying workloads, as well as the ability to optimise resources based on specific requirements or compliance regulations.

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How is hybrid cloud utilised in enterprises?

Hybrid cloud refers to the practice where enterprises utilise both public and private clouds together. This involves running some workloads in their own data centres or private clouds, while also accessing additional resources through public clouds.

The use cases for hybrid cloud are diverse. For instance, companies concerned with security and regulatory compliance may handle sensitive data or workloads in private clouds while leveraging public clouds for flexibility. Additionally, there are instances where workload distribution is balanced between private data centres and public clouds for load balancing purposes.

Enterprises may also adopt hybrid cloud for business continuity and disaster recovery, ensuring critical data and applications are safeguarded and recoverable even in disaster scenarios.

Lastly, hybrid cloud is widely utilised in development and testing environments. Developers can quickly develop and test applications using the scalability and convenience of public clouds, while production environments are securely maintained through private clouds.

In this manner, hybrid cloud emerges as a vital strategic option for enterprises to efficiently utilise resources while meeting security requirements and enhancing flexibility.

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The current usage scenario

Flexibility and scalability

Enterprises tend to opt for the hybrid model to leverage the flexibility and scalability of the cloud while adhering to security and compliance regulations.

Enhanced security

Critical data and applications are kept on-premises and operated in a secure environment. While there may be security concerns with using the cloud, the hybrid model can alleviate such worries.

Cost savings

By optimising on-premises resources while leveraging the elastic cost structure of the public cloud, cost savings can be achieved.

Multi-cloud strategy

Enterprises often opt for a multi-cloud strategy, using multiple cloud providers instead of relying on a single provider. Hybrid cloud can be used as part of this strategy.

Digital transformation

Many businesses are improving their business processes and exploring new business models through digital transformation. Hybrid cloud can support and accelerate these changes.


Rita Li

Rita Lian intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in Products. She graduated from University of Communication University of Zhejiang. Send tips to

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