Key differences between load balancers and application gateways

  • A load balancer distributes incoming network traffic across multiple servers to prevent overloading any single server.
  • An application gateway not only balances load but also provides advanced processing of application-specific protocols, deeper security checks, and API management capabilities.

In the realm of network architecture, both load balancers and application gateways play pivotal roles in managing traffic and improving application performance. However, they serve distinct purposes and have different functionalities. This blog delves into the nuances of these two technologies, highlighting their differences.

What is a load balancer

A load balancer is a device or software that distributes incoming network traffic across multiple servers. Its primary function is to ensure no single server bears too much load, thereby improving the responsiveness and availability of applications.

Key functions of load balancers

1. Traffic distribution: Load balancers distribute traffic evenly across servers to prevent any one server from becoming a bottleneck.

2. Health monitoring: They continuously monitor the health of backend servers and automatically redirect traffic away from unhealthy servers.

3. Session persistence: Some load balancers can maintain session persistence, ensuring that a client’s session stays on the same server throughout a transaction.

4. SSL offloading: Advanced load balancers can terminate SSL connections at the load balancer level, offloading encryption and decryption tasks from backend servers.

Also read: The backbone of digital infrastructure: Server management

What is an application gateway

An application gateway, on the other hand, is a more sophisticated layer of traffic management that not only balances load but also performs advanced processing of application-specific protocols. It acts as a gateway between clients and servers, providing additional security and functionality.

Key features of application gateways

1. Protocol translation: Application gateways can translate between different versions of protocols, making them ideal for integrating older applications with newer ones.

2. Application layer security: They provide deep inspection capabilities at the application layer, enabling advanced security features like threat detection and prevention.

3. Advanced routing: Application gateways can make intelligent routing decisions based on more complex criteria than just server load, including user context and application logic.

4. API management: They often include features for managing APIs, such as rate limiting, authentication, and policy enforcement.

Also read: Virtues of NAT: Bridging gap between private and public networks

Key differences between load balancers and application gateways

While both load balancers and application gateways aim to improve the performance and reliability of applications, there are several key differences between them:

Load balancing and application processing

Load balancers focus primarily on distributing traffic evenly across servers, with basic health checks and session persistence.

Application gateways go beyond simple load balancing by performing deeper protocol processing, security checks, and API management.

Security features

Load balancers typically offer basic security features, such as SSL termination and DDoS protection.

Application gateways provide advanced security features, including application-level threat detection and prevention, as well as fine-grained access control.

Complexity and customisation

Load balancers are relatively straightforward to configure and manage, making them suitable for smaller deployments.

Application gateways require more advanced configuration and are better suited for complex environments with stringent security requirements.

Scalability and flexibility

Load balancers are highly scalable and can be deployed in both cloud and on-premises environments.

Application gateways offer greater flexibility in terms of routing and protocol handling, making them ideal for complex multi-cloud architectures.


Vicky Wu

Vicky is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in AI and Blockchain. She graduated from Dalian University of Foreign Languages. Send tips to

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