HTTP vs HTTPS: Understanding the key differences

  • While HTTP and HTTPS may seem similar at first glance, the distinction between them is vital for online security.
  • Websites that adopt HTTPS provide users with encryption, data integrity, and authentication, ensuring a safer browsing experience for all.
  • In an era where privacy and data security are more important than ever, HTTPS stands as a fundamental element in the protection of our digital world.

What is HTTP?

HTTP, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is the foundation of data communication on the World Wide Web. It is responsible for facilitating the transfer of information between the user’s browser and a website’s server. HTTP operates as a request-response protocol, meaning that when a user enters a web address (or clicks on a link), the browser sends a request to the server, which then responds by delivering the web page.

While HTTP was revolutionary in enabling the development of the web, it was not designed with security in mind. Data transmitted over HTTP is done in plain text. This means that if a third party, such as a hacker, intercepts the communication between your browser and a server, they can easily read or manipulate the data. This lack of encryption exposes users to significant security risks, particularly when sensitive information such as passwords or credit card numbers is involved.

Also read: 5 elements of the NIST cybersecurity framework

Introducing HTTPS: A secure upgrade

To address the vulnerabilities of HTTP, HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) was introduced. HTTPS works in a similar manner to HTTP, but with one crucial difference: it encrypts the data being transmitted between the browser and the server, ensuring that the communication remains private and secure. This is achieved through the use of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or its more recent iteration, TLS (Transport Layer Security).

Encryption in HTTPS means that even if someone were to intercept the communication between your device and a website, they would not be able to decipher the information. This protection is particularly critical when dealing with financial transactions, personal data, or any form of confidential communication.

Also read: Demystifying data encryption

Key differences between HTTP and HTTPS

While the technical distinction between HTTP and HTTPS comes down to encryption, the implications of these differences extend much further.


HTTP: Data transmitted via HTTP is not encrypted, making it vulnerable to attacks like eavesdropping and data tampering. This can expose personal information and potentially lead to identity theft or fraud.

HTTPS: Encryption ensures that data is scrambled during transmission, meaning only the intended recipient can decode it. HTTPS also provides authentication, verifying that the website you’re communicating with is legitimate and not an imposter.

SEO benefits:

HTTPS is now a ranking factor for Google. Websites using HTTPS may experience a slight boost in search engine rankings compared to their HTTP counterparts. This is part of Google’s broader initiative to make the web more secure by encouraging website owners to adopt HTTPS.

Browser Support:

Modern web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Edge mark HTTP websites as “Not Secure” when users are required to enter sensitive information. This acts as a warning for users, indicating that their data may be at risk if transmitted over an HTTP connection.

Conversely, websites using HTTPS show a padlock symbol in the browser’s address bar, offering reassurance to visitors that their connection is secure.

Data integrity:

HTTP does not protect the integrity of the data transmitted. Information can be altered during transmission without the user or server being aware of the changes.

HTTPS ensures that the data sent and received cannot be modified or corrupted, as any interference in transmission will be detected, and the connection will be disrupted.

How HTTPS works: SSL/TLS explained

At the heart of HTTPS is SSL/TLS, the protocols that provide the encryption and authentication necessary for secure web communication. When a user connects to a website using HTTPS, an SSL/TLS handshake takes place. This involves the following steps:

The browser requests a secure connection: When a user tries to access a website over HTTPS, the browser asks the website’s server to identify itself.

The server sends a certificate: The server responds by sending its SSL/TLS certificate, which contains a public encryption key and other information. This certificate is issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) to ensure that the website is legitimate.

The browser verifies the certificate: The browser checks whether the certificate is valid and trusted. If everything checks out, the browser proceeds to establish a secure connection.

Encrypted communication begins: A secure, encrypted connection is established, ensuring that all data exchanged between the browser and the server is protected from interception.

Why HTTPS is essential today?

The web has evolved significantly since the early days of HTTP. Today, with the rise of e-commerce, online banking, and the increasing reliance on cloud services, the amount of sensitive data being exchanged online is staggering. Without the protection offered by HTTPS, users are at risk of having their personal information stolen or misused.

Beyond individual security, HTTPS is crucial for businesses as well. Trust is paramount in the digital marketplace, and users are increasingly wary of websites that do not display the padlock symbol in their browser. Moreover, non-secure websites can suffer from poor user engagement, higher bounce rates, and a negative impact on SEO.


Tacy Ding

Tacy Ding is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering network. She is studying at Zhejiang Gongshang University. Send tips to

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