France confronts 68 cyberattacks targeting Olympics

  • As the Paris Olympic Games commenced amidst high geopolitical tensions, France has reported a staggering 68 cyberattacks linked to the Olympics.
  • With the Games now underway, the country’s security forces and cybersecurity experts remain on high alert, working tirelessly to protect the event from both physical and digital threats.

In response to these threats, France has initiated a vast “disinfection operation” to eliminate a computer virus that had affected millions of users, demonstrating the vigilance of various stakeholders in combating cybercrime. The 68 reported cyberattacks highlight the significant challenges faced by France in ensuring the security of the Olympic Games.

–Rebecca Xu, BTW reporter

What happened

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal announced on Wednesday that French authorities have identified and neutralized 68 cyberattacks related to the Olympic Games that have occurred over the past week. “All these 68 cyberattacks, including the two cyberattacks that targeted Olympic sites, were detected in time and foiled,” Attal said.

The cyberthreats are of an “unprecedented level”, according to Vincent Strubel, the director general of ANSSI, France’s cybersecurity agency . The Paris 2024 Organising Committee has partnered with major technology companies and government agencies to bolster cybersecurity precautions and mitigate these threats.

The French cybersecurity agency is prepared for the onslaught of cyberattacks, with Strubel stating that they have done a lot of preparation work, and he believes they are “a step ahead of the attackers”. The cybersecurity teams are training intensively, employing friendly hackers to test their defenses, in anticipation of potential attacks from a range of adversaries, including state-sponsored hackers with a history of malicious cyber activities .

Also read: ECB’s cyber resilience stress tests reveal room for improvement

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Why it’s important

This year, the French National Agency for Information Systems Security (ANSSI) has been actively training various entities involved in cybersecurity to defend against cyberthreats, especially during the Olympics. This proactive approach underlines the importance of ongoing cybersecurity preparedness and collaboration to safeguard against potential cyber risks during major international events like the Olympics.

The increased number of cyberattacks targeting the Olympics underscores the importance of robust cybersecurity measures and vigilance to protect against potential threats. This incident serves as a reminder that cyberattacks are a real and persistent risk, and measures need to be continually updated and improved to ensure the security and integrity of major international events like the Olympics.

The increase in cyberattacks linked to the Olympics highlights the need for heightened cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive information and infrastructure during major international events.


Rebecca Xu

Rebecca Xu is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in tech trends. She graduated from Changshu Institute of Technology. Send tips to

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