Fortinet’s 2H 2023 threat report: Key insights and imperatives

  • Fortinet has released its 2H 2023 global threat landscape report, spotlighting a surge in targeted ransomware and wiper attacks on industrial and operational technology sectors.
  • Less than 9% of endpoint vulnerabilities were targeted, yet the industrial sector faced 44% of ransomware attacks.
  • At RSAC 2024, experts will discuss radical transparency in cybersecurity, emphasising collaboration and accountability across sectors.

Fortinet, the global leader in cybersecurity blending networking and security solutions, has unveiled its FortiGuard Labs 2H 2023 global threat landscape report.

Rising threats and accelerated exploits

This semiannual report offers insights into the dynamic threat landscape from July to December 2023, shedding light on emerging trends such as the surge in targeted ransomware and wiper attacks on industrial and operational technology (OT) sectors.

The report reveals alarming statistics, indicating that cyber attackers are now launching assaults just 4.76 days after new exploits are disclosed publicly.

This marks a significant escalation from the previous period, emphasising the urgent need for vendors to swiftly patch vulnerabilities and disclose them transparently to customers to forestall exploitation.

Also read: IBM, Fortinet launch next-gen firewall security for IBM Cloud

Industrial sectors under siege

Long-standing vulnerabilities persist, with nearly all organisations detecting exploits, emphasising the need for robust patching protocols.  

Surprisingly, less than 9% of endpoint vulnerabilities were targeted, yet the industrial sector faced 44% of ransomware attacks.

Botnets, including new ones like AndroxGh0st and Prometei, show resilience, taking an average of 85 days to cease communications post-detection.  

The report delves into the activities of advanced persistent threat (APT) groups, with 38 out of 143 listed by MITRE observed to be active.  

Notable among these were Lazarus Group, Kimusky, and APT28, indicating a continued threat from nation-state actors.

Dark web discourse reveals a focus on targeting the finance sector, with over 3,000 data breaches and 850,000 payment cards for sale.

Also read: HGC Macroview wins Fortinet’s Top Advanced Partner award

The call for collective action

In response to these escalating threats, industry experts will convene at RSAC 2024 to discuss the imperative of radical transparency in cybersecurity.

Panelists include Carl Windsor from Fortinet, Michael Daniel of the Cyber Threat Alliance, and senior officials from DHS-CISA and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will explore strategies for collective action against cybercrime.

Fortinet emphasises the importance of collaboration and transparency across sectors, urging organisations to join forces with CERTs, government entities, and academia.

Through ongoing innovation and partnerships with industry bodies like the Cyber Threat Alliance and Interpol, the collective resilience against cyber threats can be strengthened, turning the tide against cybercrime globally.

RSAC 2024

About FortiGuard Labs

FortiGuard Labs, Fortinet’s threat intelligence arm, comprises expert threat hunters, researchers, and analysts worldwide.

Leveraging AI and vast sensor networks, it delivers actionable threat intelligence and security updates to protect customers from evolving cyber threats, offering insights to enhance their understanding and defence strategies.


About Fortinet

Fortinet is a global leader in cybersecurity, providing innovative solutions that blend networking and security capabilities.

With a mission to secure the digital future, Fortinet empowers organizations to confidently navigate the evolving threat landscape, safeguarding their networks, data, and users against sophisticated cyber threats.


Jennifer Yu

Jennifer Yu is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering artificial intelligence and products. She graduated from The University of Hong Kong. Send tips to

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