Firmware uncovered: Is it hardware, software, or both?

  • Firmware is a specialised type of software that is embedded into the hardware of a device. 
  • Recognising firmware’s role helps in understanding how devices function, how they can be updated, and how their performance can be optimised.

Understanding whether firmware is considered hardware or software can clarify its role in the technology stack and its impact on device functionality. While firmware resides at the intersection of both, it is fundamentally classified as software with unique characteristics that bridge hardware and high-level applications.

What is firmware?

Firmware is a specialised type of software that is embedded into the hardware of a device. Unlike general software that runs on top of an operating system, firmware is integrated directly into the device’s hardware components, often stored in non-volatile memory such as ROM, EPROM, or flash memory. This means that firmware remains intact even when the device is powered off.

The key characteristics of fireware is its embedded nature. Firmware is embedded within the hardware, providing essential instructions for the hardware’s operation. It can also operates at a low level, managing the device’s hardware functions and ensuring smooth interaction between different components.

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Firmware as software

Despite its close association with hardware, firmware is fundamentally software.    Firmware consists of a set of code-based instructions that guide the hardware’s operation. This code is written, updated, and managed like other software. For example, the firmware in a digital camera might include code that manages image processing, autofocus, and data storage functions. At the same time, firmware can be updated, although these updates are less frequent compared to standard software updates. Manufacturers provide firmware updates to fix bugs, improve performance, or add new features. For instance, a firmware update for a router might enhance its security protocols or add compatibility for new networking standards. Also, firmware can be customised for specific hardware configurations, much like software can be tailored to meet user needs. This customisation ensures that the firmware efficiently controls the hardware according to its designed specifications.

Firmware vs. Hardware

While firmware is software, its role in relation to hardware is distinctive. Firmware is intimately tied to hardware, often embedded directly into the device’s circuitry. This deep integration allows it to manage and control hardware operations precisely. For example, the firmware in a smartphone’s touchscreen controller dictates how the device interprets touch inputs and interacts with the display hardware. Firmware can also operates at a lower level than typical software, handling basic hardware functions that are critical for the device’s operation. Unlike high-level software that interfaces with users, firmware manages the essential interactions between hardware components.

Firmware is stored in non-volatile memory, which means it retains its data even when the device is powered off. This contrasts with software, which is often loaded into volatile memory (like RAM) during operation and may be replaced or modified more frequently.

Real-world examples

The BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) in a computer is firmware that initialises and tests hardware components during startup. It controls fundamental operations like booting the operating system and managing input/output functions.

In smartphones, firmware controls the low-level functions of hardware components such as the camera, sensors, and modems. The operating system and applications, while also software, run on top of this firmware to provide user-facing features.

Modern home appliances like washing machines and refrigerators use firmware to control their operation. The firmware manages tasks such as cycle timing and temperature control, while user interfaces and settings are handled by higher-level software.


Firmware is fundamentally software, though it is closely integrated with hardware and operates at a low level to manage and control hardware functions. Its unique characteristics, such as being embedded in non-volatile memory and its critical role in hardware operations, differentiate it from other types of software. Recognising firmware’s role helps in understanding how devices function, how they can be updated, and how their performance can be optimised.


Miurio Huang

Miurio Huang is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in AI. She graduated from Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University. Send tips to

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