Exploring virtual clusters in cloud computing

  • A virtual cluster in cloud computing is a collection of interconnected virtual machines that operate together as a single unit, enabling efficient resource sharing and management.
  • Virtual clusters enhance scalability by allowing dynamic allocation of resources based on workload demands, improving performance and reducing costs associated with underutilisation.
  • They are particularly beneficial for distributed applications, big data processing, and high-performance computing, as they facilitate parallel processing and streamline data access across multiple nodes.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cloud computing, virtual clusters have emerged as a powerful solution for optimising resource utilisation and enhancing application performance. By creating a network of interconnected virtual machines that function collectively, businesses can achieve greater efficiency and flexibility in managing workloads.

Virtual clusters allow organisations to dynamically scale resources according to demand, minimising idle capacity and maximiasing cost-effectiveness. This approach is particularly advantageous for tasks requiring significant computational power, such as big data analytics and high-performance computing, making virtual clusters an essential component of modern cloud infrastructures.

Understanding virtual cluster in cloud computing

A virtual cluster is essentially a collection of interconnected virtual machines that work together to perform computational tasks as if they were a single entity. Virtual clusters in cloud computing provide high availability, elastic scaling, and resource sharing, enabling enterprises to process large amounts of data and applications efficiently and cost-effectively.

Also read: What is interoperability in cloud computing?

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Description of virtual cluster job management system

As the core component of virtual cluster, virtual cluster job management system plays an important role in virtual cluster system. Among them, there are many kinds of cluster job management systems on the market, and the most widely used one is PBS.

PBS is mainly composed of resource manager, scheduler and PBS actuator. Because PBS is open source software. It is relatively easy to obtain, and PBS also effectively supports a variety of operation modes.

Because PBS also provides users with a complete API application program interface, it is very conducive to the design and development of new scheduling strategies for the system.

The function modules of the virtual cluster job management system

The virtual cluster job management system mainly consists of three functional submodules, which are user job submission function submodule, virtual cluster elastic construction function submodule and virtual cluster information monitoring function submodule.

User job submission function submodule: The submodule of user job submission function is mainly used to calculate the resource of the job submitted by the user to the virtual cluster through the job submission page, and return the calculation result after the job is finished.

Virtual computing elastic building function submodule: If the computing resources in a virtual cluster cannot meet the requirements of a job, the virtual computing elastic building function dynamically virtualises the computing resources required by the job and adds them to the virtual cluster to meet the resource requirements of the job.

Virtual cluster information monitoring function submodule: The virtual cluster information monitoring function sub-module is mainly used to monitor the information of each virtual computing node in the virtual cluster. Once a job is submitted and operated, the virtual cluster information monitoring function sub-module will dynamically display the running status of each virtual computing node through a web page.


Lily Yang

Lily Yang is an intern reporter at BTW media covering artificial intelligence. She graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University. Send tips to l.yang@btw.media.

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