Exploring SIEM: The cornerstone of modern security operations

  • SIEM systems are crucial for detecting, analysing, and responding to potential security threats and breaches, enabling organisations to maintain robust security postures.
  • Whether in banking, healthcare, or retail, SIEM enhances an organisation’s ability to detect, analyse, and respond to security threats, ensuring a robust and resilient security posture.

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is a comprehensive solution designed to provide real-time analysis, monitoring, and management of security events and incidents within an organisation’s IT infrastructure. SIEM systems are crucial for detecting, analysing, and responding to potential security threats and breaches, enabling organisations to maintain robust security postures.

What is SIEM?

SIEM integrates two key functionalities: Security Information Management (SIM) and Security Event Management (SEM). The SIM parts take responsibilities to collects, stores, and analyse security-related data and logs. While the SEM parts contributes to provide real-time monitoring, correlation, and alerting for security events.

By combining these functions, SIEM solutions offer a holistic view of an organisation’s security landscape, consolidating data from various sources to detect and respond to threats more effectively.

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Core functions of SIEM

1. Data Collection and Aggregation

SIEM systems collect and aggregate data from a wide array of sources, including network devices, servers, applications, and security appliances. This data includes logs, events, and alerts.

A global financial institution like JPMorgan Chase might use a SIEM system to aggregate logs from firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and user activity monitoring tools. This centralised data collection provides a comprehensive view of the organisation’s security posture.

Aggregating data from multiple sources helps in creating a unified security view, making it easier to detect and analyse potential threats across the entire IT environment.

2. Event correlation and analysis

SIEM systems analyse and correlate data to identify patterns and potential security incidents. Correlation rules and algorithms help in connecting related events and detecting complex attack scenarios.

An e-commerce giant like Amazon could use SIEM to correlate login attempts, transaction anomalies, and geolocation data to detect possible account takeover attempts or fraud.

Event correlation enhances the ability to detect sophisticated threats that may not be evident when analysing individual events in isolation. It provides a more accurate assessment of security incidents.

3. Real-time monitoring and alerting

SIEM systems provide real-time monitoring and generate alerts based on predefined rules or detected anomalies. This enables security teams to respond quickly to potential threats.

A healthcare provider like Mayo Clinic might use SIEM to monitor network traffic for unusual patterns that could indicate a ransomware attack. The system would trigger alerts if it detects anomalous behavior, such as large volumes of encrypted traffic.

Real-time monitoring and alerting facilitate timely responses to potential security incidents, reducing the risk of damage and ensuring quicker mitigation.

4. Incident response and management

SIEM solutions support incident response by providing detailed insights and forensic data. This includes timelines, affected assets, and attack vectors, which are crucial for investigating and managing security incidents.

When a breach is detected in a telecommunications company like Verizon, the SIEM system provides detailed logs and correlation data to help security analysts understand the scope of the breach, identify compromised systems, and guide remediation efforts.

Effective incident response is critical for minimising the impact of security incidents. SIEM systems streamline the investigation process and provide actionable intelligence for effective resolution.

5. Compliance reporting

SIEM systems assist organisations in meeting regulatory and compliance requirements by generating reports and maintaining audit trails of security events.

For compliance with GDPR, a company like Facebook might use SIEM to generate reports detailing data access and protection measures, ensuring that all security-related activities are documented and align with regulatory standards.

Compliance reporting helps organisations adhere to industry regulations and standards, avoiding potential fines and legal issues while demonstrating a commitment to security best practices.

 Real-world applications of SIEM

Banks utilise SIEM to monitor transactions and network activities for signs of fraud or unauthorised access. For example, HSBC employs SIEM solutions to safeguard sensitive financial data and detect potential threats in real-time.

Healthcare providers use SIEM to protect patient information and comply with regulations like HIPAA. The system helps monitor access to electronic health records (EHR) and detect anomalies that could indicate data breaches.

Retailers such as Walmart use SIEM to safeguard customer data and prevent breaches. By monitoring payment systems and customer interactions, SIEM helps in identifying and responding to cyber threats quickly.


Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is a vital tool for modern cybersecurity. By integrating data collection, event correlation, real-time monitoring, incident response, and compliance reporting, SIEM systems provide a comprehensive solution for managing and securing IT environments. Whether in banking, healthcare, or retail, SIEM enhances an organisation’s ability to detect, analyse, and respond to security threats, ensuring a robust and resilient security posture.


Miurio Huang

Miurio Huang is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in AI. She graduated from Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University. Send tips to m.huang@btw.media.

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