Cumulative automation: The key to sustainable efficiency and growth

  • Unlike a one-time implementation, cumulative automation involves a series of incremental changes and enhancements that build upon each other to improve and expand automation efforts.
  • Cumulative automation enables organisations to realise benefits and return on investment (ROI) more quickly.

Cumulative automation is a strategy for implementing automation in incremental steps rather than all at once. This approach allows organisations to start with smaller, manageable automation projects and gradually build on their successes. By doing so, businesses can reduce risks, quickly realise benefits, and adapt their strategies based on performance and evolving needs. This blog explores the key concepts of cumulative automation and its benefits.

What is cumulative automation?

Cumulative automation is the practice of progressively implementing automation solutions in a series of incremental steps. Rather than launching a large-scale automation initiative all at once, organisations start with smaller, manageable projects that lay the groundwork for more complex automation efforts. This approach not only mitigates risks but also helps in achieving sustained improvements in efficiency and productivity.

Also read: 6 examples of intelligent automation

Key concepts of cumulative automation

Incremental implementation: Instead of deploying a comprehensive automation solution all at once, cumulative automation focuses on gradual, step-by-step integration. This allows organisations to start with basic automation tasks and progressively automate more complex processes as they gain experience and resources.

Continuous improvement: Cumulative automation is often part of a continuous improvement strategy. Organisations regularly assess and refine their automation processes based on performance metrics, feedback, and evolving needs. This iterative approach helps in optimising automation and achieving better outcomes over time.

Building on success: Each successful automation project or improvement serves as a foundation for future efforts. By starting with smaller, manageable automation tasks, organisations can demonstrate value and build momentum for larger and more complex automation initiatives.

Scalability: Cumulative automation supports scalability by allowing organisations to expand their automation capabilities incrementally. As initial automation projects prove successful, they can be scaled up or extended to other areas of the business.

Adaptability: This approach allows organisations to adapt to changing technology landscapes and business requirements. As new automation tools and techniques become available, they can be integrated into the existing framework, enhancing overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Also read: What is automation and why do we use it?

The benefits of cumulative automation

Reduced risk: Gradual implementation minimises the risk associated with automation projects. By testing and refining automation processes on a smaller scale, organisations can identify and address potential issues before they affect larger systems.

Improved ROI: Incremental automation allows organisations to realise benefits and return on investment (ROI) more quickly. As each phase of automation delivers value, it justifies further investment and expansion.

Enhanced flexibility: Organisations can adjust their automation strategy based on real-world performance and feedback. This flexibility ensures that automation efforts remain aligned with business goals and technological advancements.

Increased efficiency: As more processes are automated, overall operational efficiency improves. Cumulative automation leads to streamlined workflows, reduced manual effort, and fewer errors.

Better resource allocation: By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, organisations can free up human resources for more strategic and value-added activities.


Lia Xu

Lia XU is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering tech and AI news. She graduated from Zhejiang normal university. Send tips to

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