ICANN commits $200M to support internet development program

  • The ICANN Grant Program’s inaugural cycle has commenced, welcoming global applications to fund projects that advance the security, stability, and resiliency of the internet.
  • The ICANN Grant Program seeks to empower the global internet community through strategic funding, enhancing the internet for future generations.
  • With a significant funding pool of up to $10 million available in the current cycle, the ICANN Grant Program is set to disburse over $200 million throughout its duration.

The first cycle of the ICANN Grant Program is now open, inviting applications from eligible organisations across the globe. This program aims to support projects that align with ICANN‘s strategic objectives, including enhancing the security, stability, and resiliency of the internet’s system of unique identifiers.

About ICANN Grant Program

The ICANN Grant Program offers a change for organisation worldwide to obtain funding for projects that align with ICANN’s mission and support the goals of the Grant Program.

The program is designed to bolster initiatives that enhance the internet’s security, stability and unique identifier systems.

The ICANN Grant Program aims to shape the internet’s future by funding initiatives that reinforce its infrastructure, foster capacity building, and spur innovation. This strategic investment seeks to nurture progress and collaboration across the global internet community, ensuring lasting positive impacts.

Also read: What is ICANN? Inside the non-profit org that ensures the stability of the internet

Apply before May 24, 2024

The application window for this period opened yesterday, initiating a 60-day period during which submissions will be accepted. Interested applicants can submit their applications through the dedicated online platform, with the final deadline set for May 24, 2024.

Sally Costerton, senior advisor to the President and senior vice president for global stakeholder engagement, as well as interim president and CEO, said, “Together, we fully embraced the important task and responsibility of carefully designing a program to distribute this substantial amount of money. I had the privilege of witnessing the early evolution of the work to lay out the principles and recommendations for what we now know as the Grant Program.”

“The care, creativity, and commitment of all involved is a credit to the ICANN multistakeholder model and I am very grateful to everyone who worked to bring this program to life.”v

Also read: ICANN announces DNS training for all internet service providers

During this cycle of the ICANN Grant Program, a substantial fund of up to $10 million is earmarked for distribution among projects that not only adhere to ICANN’s core mission but also further the specific aims of the grant program.

She also unveiled that, as the program unfolds over time, it is projected to allocate in excess of $200 million, supporting a range of initiatives aligned with the program’s long-term objectives.


Sylvia Shen

Sylvia Shen is an editorial assistant at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Fintech and Blockchain. She graduated from the University of California, Davis. Send tips to s.shen@btw.media.

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