.help incorporates AI to revolutionise customer service

Image: Lu Heng, owner of .help, announces the new AI feature at the METC AI Summit in Mauritius.

  • Lu Heng, owner of the .help top-level domain, has announced that AI-powered .help domains will transform customer support, aiming to enhance efficiency and improve user satisfaction.
  • The .help domain offers a streamlined approach to customer support by linking .help domains to AI-driven systems, capable of resolving up to 90% of repetitive inquiries quickly and accurately.
  • By adopting AI-powered .help domains, businesses can reduce the need for large support teams, save millions annually, and provide customers with immediate, accurate responses, thus improving satisfaction and engagement.

Lu Heng explains .help domain with AI.

Lu Heng, owner and CEO of the .help top-level domain, has introduced a revolutionary service that integrates AI with .help domains to transform customer support, aiming to enhance efficiency and improve user satisfaction.

AI-powered .help domains

Customer support inefficiencies cost businesses millions and frustrate customers, with poor feedback persisting as 90% of inquiries are repetitive. Customers endure complex websites and long wait times, highlighting the urgent need for streamlined and cost-effective customer service solutions.

The .help domain offers a more efficient approach to customer support. By registering .help domains linked to their products or enterprise names, companies enable customers to access an AI-driven support system. This system, trained on the company’s historical customer inquiries, can quickly and accurately resolve up to 90% of repetitive questions.

Also read: Interview with Lu Heng: The man who wants to decentralise IP addresses and save the internet

Benefits of .help domains

The help support system brings efficiency and convenience by allowing customers to access support through a .help domain, such as product.help or company name.help. Then customers may interact with a chatbot trained on the company’s previous customer inquiries, enabling the AI-driven system to resolve up to 90% of repetitive questions swiftly.

By adopting this approach, the need for large customer support teams is drastically reduced, potentially saving enterprises millions of dollars annually. With immediate and accurate responses to their queries, customers experience less frustration and greater satisfaction, fostering better engagement and loyalty.

Furthermore, this new system eliminates the need for customers to navigate complex websites or endure long phone waits. Instead, they receive quick, automated responses, significantly enhancing the overall support experience.

Also read: Lu Heng, CEO AT LARUS, explains his vision for a decentralised internet

Future of customer support

“The marriage between one single destination of support and AI provides probably one of the best ways to communicate with your customer,” Lu stated. “This innovation not only revolutionizes the customer experience but also significantly cuts down enterprise support costs.”

With immediate and accurate responses to their queries, customers experience less frustration and greater satisfaction, fostering better engagement and loyalty.

The convenience and efficiency of this AI-powered solution significantly improve traditional customer support models. By reducing wait times and enhancing accuracy, it sets a new standard for service excellence in the tech industry.


Sylvia Shen

Sylvia Shen is an editorial assistant at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Fintech and Blockchain. She graduated from the University of California, Davis. Send tips to s.shen@btw.media.

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