How are big data and the Internet of Things connected?

  • Big data refers to the massive, high-speed, diversified collection of data, and the Internet of Things refers to the connection of various physical devices through the Internet to achieve intelligent interconnection between devices.
  • IoT collects and generates a large amount of data through sensor devices, which become an important source of big data and are transmitted to data centres through the Internet for storage and analysis.
  • Big data technology can provide support for IoT, help IoT devices realise intelligent data processing and decision-making, and improve the effectiveness and performance of IoT systems.

Big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) are two commonly coined technological terms that are closely related, but exactly how they work and how they are connected can be summarised by saying that they are mutually supportive and grounded in each other.

The power of big data

The term Big Data has been in use since the 1990s, and some credit John Mashey with popularizing the term. Big data consists of data sets whose size exceeds the ability of commonly used software tools to capture, organise, manage and process the data in a tolerable amount of time.

It typically consists of three data types, structured data represented by database data, semi-structured data represented by log files, and unstructured data represented by text, images, and videos on social media. 

Big data has the 4V keywords of volume, velocity, variety and value. Therefore, the current use of the term big data tends to refer to the use of predictive analytics, user behavioural analytics, or certain other advanced data analytics methods for extracting value from big data, and seldom refers to data sets of a specific size.

Also read: Is big data the future of AI?

The everywhere of IoT

The IoT refers to the pinching of various physical devices through the Internet to realise the intelligent interconnection between devices, and its core technology includes sensor devices, communication technology and cloud computing technology.

The concept of the Internet of Things first appeared in 1995, “The Road Ahead” book of Bill Gates. Bill Gates mentioned the concept of the Internet of Things, but limited by the development of wireless networks, hardware and sensing equipment, did not cause the world to pay attention.

IoT is now portable, wearable, and implantable, creating a ubiquitous and connected universe. Every day of our lives we can see the Internet of Things functioning: a thermostat with automated temperature control, a wearable device that can monitor heart rates, and a voice-activated street light. We can say IoT makes up our lives.

Also read: Century Health: Startup uses AI to find hidden signals in health data

Connect and make a new world

Big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) are intricately connected and often work hand in hand to enable various applications and solutions.

First, IoT collects and generates a large amount of data through sensor devices, which become an important source of big data and are transmitted to data centres through the Internet for storage and analysis.

Secondly, big data technology can provide support for IoT, help IoT devices realize intelligent data processing and decision-making, and improve the effectiveness and performance of IoT systems.

Finally, the combination of big data and IoT can generate more new applications and business opportunities, and the analysis of big data can identify potential opportunities and problems in the IoT system to provide better services and products.

Through the Internet of Things and big data analysis, various devices can realise data collection, transmission and analysis, to realise intelligent control and management.


Monica Chen

Monica Chen is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering tech-trends and IT infrastructure. She graduated from Shanghai International Studies University with a Master’s degree in Journalism and Communication. Send tips to

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