Trump pitches himself as ‘Crypto President’ at tech fundraiser

  • Former President Trump, dubbed “crypto president,” created a buzz at a San Francisco fundraiser, impacting tech and finance sectors.
  • Trump emphasised cryptocurrencies’ power to transform finance, promoting economic liberty and innovation.
  • The fundraiser, hosted at a tech hub in San Francisco, drew a diverse crowd of tech entrepreneurs, investors, and crypto enthusiasts.

Whether Trump’s bid to become the “crypto president” will resonate with voters and secure him a return to the White House remains to be seen. However, his San Francisco fundraiser marks the increasing importance of digital currencies in the national conversation.

–Jinny Xu, BTW reporter

Former President Donald Trump made waves in the tech and financial sectors with his latest pitch as the “crypto president” at a high-profile fundraiser in San Francisco last night. The event, attended by prominent figures from Silicon Valley and the broader technology community, showcased Trump’s strategic pivot towards embracing digital currencies and blockchain technology as central elements of his campaign platform.

A bold shift towards crypto

During his speech, Trump highlighted the potential of cryptocurrencies to revolutionise the financial system, stressing their role in enhancing economic freedom and innovation. “Crypto represents the future of global commerce,” Trump asserted. “Under my leadership, we will unleash the full potential of blockchain technology, making America a leader in this vital sector.”

Also read: Donald Trump joins TikTok, immediately wins millions of followers

Reassessing past scepticism

Trump’s remarks signal a significant shift from his previous stance on digital currencies. As president, he had expressed scepticism about cryptocurrencies, calling Bitcoin a “scam” and criticising its volatility. However, the growing influence of the crypto market and the increasing integration of blockchain in various industries appear to have prompted a reassessment.

Also read: Donald Trump Jr.’s X Account Hacked, Confirms Spokesperson

Promising regulatory reforms

In addition to regulatory reforms, Trump promised to create a national blockchain strategy, aiming to streamline federal policies and promote innovation. “We will cut red tape and encourage investment in blockchain technology,” he vowed. “America will be the global hub for crypto and digital assets.”

Mixed reactions

The former president’s new stance has sparked a mix of enthusiasm and scepticism within the tech community. Some see it as a positive step towards mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies, while others question the sincerity of his sudden shift in position.

Reactions from political analysts have also been mixed. Some view Trump’s crypto pivot as a strategic move to tap into the growing tech-savvy voter base and attract campaign donations from the lucrative tech sector. Others caution that his promises may face significant hurdles given the complex regulatory landscape and bipartisan concerns about digital currencies’ implications for financial stability and security.


Jinny Xu

Jinny Xu is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Fintech and AI. She graduated from Chongqing Institute of Foreign Studies.Send tips to

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