Polygon zkEVM ongoing downtime due to blockchain sequencer issues

  • zkEVM launched by Polygon in March 2023, is encountering a downtime. Polygon said the issue does not impact any other chain.
  • Polygon supports the most widely used Ethereum scaling ecosystem and launched the zkEVM to its main net beta to allow developers to deploy smart contracts with increased finality and lower costs.

The cryptocurrency community has been speculating on the ongoing downtime, and Polygon has assured users that it is actively working to resolve the issue.

zkEVM is experiencing downtime while Polygon reassured it will be solved

Ethereum layer-2 scaling solution Polygon has announced that its zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine (zkEVM) is currently experiencing downtime due to an issue with its blockchain sequencer. In a post on X, Polygon reassured its two million followers that the issue is confined to the zkEVM specifically and does not impact any other chain deployed using the Polygon chain development kit (CDK).

In March 2023, Polygon launched the zkEVM to its mainnet beta to allow developers to deploy smart contracts with increased finality and lower costs.

“This only impacts Polygon zkEVM (which is the only rollup) and does not impact Polygon PoS, Polygon CDK, or any chain that has deployed using Polygon CDK,” said Polygon.

Also read: Toyota GR Cup Offers Polygon Blockchain Digital Trophies

The speculations from the users of X

Some X users speculated as to why the cryptocurrency community was silent about the unexpected prolonged downtime of the network.

One user on X, 0xngmi, asked their 101,900 followers, “Why is nobody talking about how Polygon zkevm has been down for 10 hours and is still down?” While another user, who goes by the username Mirza.inj, highlighted to their 14,800 followers why “Polygon zkEVM was down for over 10 hours, and no one said anything.”


Iris Deng

Iris Deng, an intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in Fintech and Blockchain. She is studying English at Hangzhou Dianzi University. Send tips to i.deng@btw.media.

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