How fintech is shaping the future of banking

  • Fintech, short for financial technology, leverages new technologies to design and deliver financial services, catering to both individuals and businesses.
  • Unlike traditional banks, fintech services are more accessible and flexible, often managed through smartphone apps or various online platforms, offering advantages in terms of cost, accessibility, and operational ease.
  • Adoption of fintech solutions can benefit businesses by streamlining processes, reducing time and costs associated with financial transactions, facilitating international trade, and promoting sustainability in logistics practices.

Explore the transformative impact of fintech on financial services, revolutionising accessibility, cost efficiency, and sustainability for businesses worldwide.

What exactly is fintech and how does it operate?

Fintech, an abbreviation for financial technology, harnesses novel technologies to devise and deliver financial services catering to both individuals and businesses. It proves advantageous for enterprises dedicated to innovating, enhancing, and automating their services and processes across various financial domains.

Ever encountered frustration with your bank’s reluctance to facilitate a particular online transaction? Fintech has arisen precisely to bridge the technological chasm existing between services proffered by conventional banks and the expectations of users, who increasingly favour online transactions.

The realm of fintech is likely steered by both established banks and startups striving to address specific financial requisites. The success of the fintech ecosystem perhaps lies in its emphasis on customer convenience, adaptability, and provision of solutions.

Also read: Bank of America puts banking, investing, retirement into one app

How does fintech diverge from traditional banking?

According to a PYMNTS report, UK consumers exhibit keen interest in digital banking. This surge in digital financial services users proves pivotal for fintech, which relies on the adoption and utilisation of online financial tools.

Having delineated fintech, let’s discern its disparity from traditional banking and how it disrupts the conventional model. A conspicuous dissimilarity between fintech and traditional banks is that fintech services, particularly tailored for small businesses, are crafted to be more accessible, catering to individuals and businesses, irrespective of size. All operations can be managed via a smartphone app connected to the internet or through diverse applications and technologies. Fintech appears to confer certain advantages over traditional banking, both in terms of service costs and accessibility and operational ease.

What financial domains does fintech encompass?

Presently, Fintech enterprises empower both individuals and corporations to conduct certain transactions and avail financial products or services that, until a few years ago, were either offline or non-existent.

What technologies does fintech leverage?

The primary aim of fintech in banking is to streamline and simplify banking services for users, employing technologies such as artificial intelligence, mobile technology, and blockchain.

Also read: FinTech Scotland heads to New York for innovation spotlight

What does the future hold for banking with fintech?

Fintech enterprises seem to be reshaping the banking landscape, which, until recently, had been fairly static and is now compelled to adapt. Nonetheless, banking still harbours rigid and sluggish structures that impede its competitiveness against fintech companies, which are less hierarchical and more agile, often prompting collaboration between the two. Consequently, services hitherto confined to the offline realm are transitioning or have transitioned to the online sphere, thus fostering banking development. Offering innovative solutions and convenience exemplifies how fintech disrupts traditional banking, while major institutions facilitate their implementation and garner consumer trust. These represent some ways in which fintech shapes the banking future.

How can your company profit from fintech adoption?

Now that you possess a better understanding of FinTech and its operations, you might contemplate the feasibility of integrating certain fintech solutions into your business.

One of the advantages fintech offers to small businesses is cost savings, owing to expedited and more automated procedures, translating to reduced time and expenditure on financial transactions. This stands as a distinguishing feature between fintech and traditional banks.

Another benefit is the facilitation of international financial transactions. For SMEs eyeing international trade, the exorbitant costs associated with international banking operations pose a hurdle. Fintech for small businesses can surmount this obstacle, as these enterprises often possess a profound understanding of internationalisation needs.

Furthermore, fintech serves as a wellspring of inspiration for environmentally and financially sustainable logistics practices and strategies. For instance, payments can be not only more lucrative and secure but also more sustainable, as these new financial and payment solutions curtail material resource utilisation. For companies espousing sustainability across their processes, fintech technologies aid in enhancing their perception among customers, employees, and society at large. The benefits of fintech can be substantial for SMEs and individuals seeking an alternative to traditional banks.


Tilly Lu

Tilly Lu, an intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in Fintech and Blockchain. She is studying Broadcasting and Hosting in Sanming University. Send tips to

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