Digital banking’s essential shift

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the essential role of cloud technology in banking. Financial institutions with cloud-based systems were able to continue operations seamlessly from remote locations, demonstrating the importance of digital infrastructure in managing disruptions and maintaining service continuity.
  • The pandemic has accelerated the shift towards digital services in banking, making the adoption of digital technologies an immediate necessity. Traditional timelines for digital transformation are no longer feasible, with institutions needing to implement robust digital solutions rapidly to meet customer demands and operational needs.
  • Financial institutions must develop a digital transformation strategy that enhances how employees interact with and serve clients. This includes adopting tools like digital document management, online account opening, and customer portals to ensure efficient and secure customer interactions, preparing for permanent changes in consumer behavior towards digital services.

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the critical need for rapid digital transformation in the banking sector, particularly emphasising the adoption of cloud technology. Financial institutions equipped with cloud-based systems were able to seamlessly continue operations remotely, showcasing the effectiveness of digital infrastructure in maintaining service continuity. This shift has made digital transformation an immediate imperative, not just a future roadmap item.

Moving forward, banks must enhance their digital strategies to improve interactions between employees and clients through advanced tools like digital document management, online account opening, and interactive customer portals, aligning with the lasting shift towards digital services among consumers.

Cloud tech necessity

The necessity of cloud technology in the banking industry became apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic when financial institutions with cloud-based systems could operate without interruption, even from remote locations. This demonstrated that robust digital infrastructure is essential not only for handling crises but also for everyday operations, ensuring service continuity and operational efficiency.

Also read: Blockchain in banking – key opportunities and challenges

Accelerated digital shift

The pandemic has drastically accelerated the shift towards digital services in banking. Previously, digital transformation initiatives could take years to implement, but the urgent need for remote operational capabilities has condensed these timelines. Financial institutions now recognise that the integration of digital technologies is not a future luxury but an immediate requirement.

This rapid shift is driven by both necessity and the changing expectations of consumers who increasingly demand digital-first services.

Also read: Revolutionising finance: How open banking and DeFi work together

Strategic digital tools

To effectively meet these new demands, banks must embrace strategic digital tools that enhance customer and employee interactions. This includes implementing digital document management for instant access to files, online account opening to avoid in-person visits, and customer portals that facilitate direct, secure, and transparent interactions.

These tools are not only crucial during the pandemic but will remain vital as the digital transformation of the banking sector continues to evolve, driven by lasting changes in consumer behavior towards digital services.


Lucia Mei

Lucia Mei, an intern reporter at BTW Media dedicated to tech-trends, fin tech and IT infrastructure. She graduated from Anhui university of science and technology. Send tips to

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