Credit Saison invests $100M in Brazil to boost Latin American expansion

  • Japanese credit investor Credit Saison announced on Wednesday a $100 million investment in Brazil. 
  • The focus on working with fintechs and local intermediaries aligns with the broader trend of financial technology driving innovation and financial inclusion in emerging markets.

Credit Saison’s Brazil play is bold, echoing their India success story. Mori’s ambition to scale up from $100M to potentially half a billion in a few years shows they’re betting big on Brazil’s fintech potential. But let’s not forget, rapid expansion in emerging markets can be tricky. Remember how some global giants stumbled in China? Credit Saison needs to navigate Brazil’s unique challenges, like currency volatility and localised competition, to truly diversify their portfolio and avoid a costly misstep.
–Miurio huang, BTW reporter

What happened

Japanese credit investor Credit Saison announced on Wednesday a $100 million investment in Brazil. This move is part of a larger strategy to expand its presence in Latin America, which also includes a similar $100 million capital injection in Mexico. According to Kosuke Mori, CEO of Saison International, the investment aims to collaborate with fintech companies, intermediaries, and local firms to provide loans to individuals and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The plan is to diversify their portfolio by leveraging Brazil’s vibrant fintech ecosystem and regulatory framework.

“We want to build a diversified portfolio,” Mori stated in an interview. He highlighted the attractiveness of Brazil, citing its robust Fintech sector and a central bank that is both clear and strong from a regulatory perspective and welcoming towards foreign investors. Although there is no set timeline for the full investment in Brazil, Credit Saison intends to grow its operations at a similar pace to other markets where it has a presence.

“Over the next three to five years, let’s say, we’d like to increase that $100 million to $300 million, $500 million,” Mori explained. He drew parallels with the company’s expansion in India, where it entered the market five years ago with the same business model and has since grown into a multi-billion-dollar operation. Credit Saison also has significant investments in other emerging markets, including Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand.

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Also read: What are fintech banks solutions?

Why it’s important

Credit Saison’s commitment to invest $100 million in Brazil is significant. It underscores the growing importance of Latin America as a strategic region for global financial institutions. By targeting Brazil’s dynamic fintech ecosystem, Credit Saison is positioning itself to tap into one of the largest and most promising markets in the region. The focus on working with fintechs and local intermediaries aligns with the broader trend of financial technology driving innovation and financial inclusion in emerging markets.

The investment also highlights Brazil’s appeal to foreign investors, particularly in the financial sector. Brazil’s regulatory environment, described by Mori as clear, strong, and foreign-friendly, provides a conducive backdrop for such investments. This move by Credit Saison could pave the way for other international investors to follow suit, further bolstering the country’s fintech landscape and providing more opportunities for local businesses and consumers.

The planned expansion mirrors Credit Saison’s successful growth strategy in other emerging markets like India, where the company has seen significant returns on its investments. If the Brazil investment follows a similar trajectory, it could lead to substantial economic benefits and job creation in the region. The commitment to potentially increase the investment to $300 million or even $500 million over the next few years indicates a long-term vision and confidence in Brazil’s market potential.


Miurio Huang

Miurio Huang is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in AI. She graduated from Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University. Send tips to

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