Argentina tightens crypto rules amid money-laundering worries

  • The Argentine government has introduced a fiscal package that includes tax amnesty for undeclared crypto assets, permitting individuals to disclose holdings of up to $100,000 without facing penalties.
  • This move is strategically aimed at satisfying the concerns of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), with the goal of preventing Argentina from being placed on a grey list.

Argentina’s latest actions in the cryptocurrency space demonstrate a serious attempt to balance the benefits of digital assets with the imperative to prevent financial crimes. This approach could stabilise Argentina’s financial landscape and preserve foreign investment. The success of these measures will be closely watched by both the FATF and the global crypto community.
–Vicky Wu, BTW reporter

What happened

The Argentine government has unveiled a fiscal package that includes provisions for tax amnesty, specifically targeting undeclared crypto assets. Under the new legislation, individuals can disclose up to $100,000 in crypto holdings without facing penalties. This move is expected to alleviate pressure from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which has been urging Argentina to tighten regulations around cryptocurrencies.

Roberto Silva, President of the National Securities Commission, highlighted that the amnesty could pave the way for a more regulated crypto environment, potentially averting a grey listing by the FATF. “Today, we are focused on amending everything that has to do with money-laundering and reporting entities,” Silva said. A grey listing would intensify scrutiny on Argentina and could deter foreign investment, raise international borrowing costs, and negatively impact the country’s GDP, according to analysis by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

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Why it’s important

Argentina’s cryptocurrency market has swelled, with Chainalysis data indicating $85.4 billion in crypto transactions over the past year. This has made the country a major player in the global crypto landscape. However, the anonymity and borderless nature of digital currencies have raised concerns over illicit activities such as money-laundering and illegal gambling.

The FATF’s scrutiny comes amid heightened efforts by Argentina to crack down on crypto-related crimes. Recent months have seen coordinated raids by the prosecutor’s office, resulting in dozens of arrests linked to smuggling, money-laundering, and illegal gambling. The Argentine authorities’ response signals a commitment to addressing the FATF’s concerns and preventing the misuse of cryptocurrencies.

As Argentina prepares to meet with the FATF in October, the stakes are high. The outcome could determine the future of the country’s relationship with the global financial watchdog and influence its ability to attract foreign capital. The registration of crypto assets, as proposed by the government, represents the initial phase of what may resemble the regulatory framework established in the United States.

Lemon Cash, one of Argentina’s leading crypto exchanges, has already updated its systems to allow users to voluntarily register their assets with the government. This proactive measure by the exchange underscores the industry’s recognition of the need for greater transparency and adherence to regulatory guidelines.


Vicky Wu

Vicky is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in AI and Blockchain. She graduated from Dalian University of Foreign Languages. Send tips to

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