Are neobanks safe?

  • Neobanks offer a modern, convenient, and often more cost-effective alternative to traditional banking.
  • They are generally safe, thanks to stringent regulatory oversight, advanced technological security measures, and deposit insurance.
  • To ensure safety with a neobank, research its licensing and regulation, use strong security measures like two-factor authentication, monitor your accounts regularly, and stay informed about policies and common scams.

Although the neobank has been strengthening its security, we can still see on social media that many people say that their personal property information has been leaked, so the security of neobanks is still questionable.

–Jinny Xu, BTW reporter

As digital banking continues to rise in popularity, many consumers are turning to neobanks for their convenience, low fees, and innovative features. However, a common question arises: Are neobanks safe? Understanding the safety and security of neobanks is crucial for anyone considering making the switch from traditional banking.

What makes neobanks safe?

Regulatory oversight

Neobanks operate under strict regulatory frameworks designed to protect consumers and ensure financial stability. Depending on their location and business model, neobanks may be required to obtain banking licenses or partner with licensed banks. This regulatory oversight includes:

Licensing requirements: Neobanks must obtain appropriate licenses to offer banking services, ensuring they meet the same standards as traditional banks.

Consumer protection laws: These regulations mandate measures like deposit insurance, which protects customers’ funds up to a certain amount if the bank fails.

Financial compliance: Neobanks must comply with anti-money laundering (AML) and combating the financing of terrorism (CFT) regulations, among other financial laws.

Also read: Neobank Bunq eyes UK market reentry, seeks banking licence

Also read: Neobanks outpace legacy banks in 2023 with 18M more downloads

Technological security measures

Neobanks leverage advanced technology to safeguard customer information and transactions. Key security features include:

Encryption: Data encryption ensures that all customer data, including personal and financial information, is securely transmitted and stored.

Two-factor authentication (2FA): Many neobanks implement 2FA, requiring users to verify their identity through an additional step, such as a code sent to their mobile phone.

Biometric verification: Features like fingerprint and facial recognition add an extra layer of security, making unauthorised access more difficult.

Real-time alerts: Instant notifications for transactions help customers quickly identify and report any suspicious activity.

Deposit insurance

In many countries, neobanks provide deposit insurance through national schemes, similar to traditional banks. For example, in the United States, neobanks often partner with FDIC-insured banks, ensuring customer deposits are protected up to $250,000. In Europe, neobanks might be covered by the European Deposit Insurance Scheme, which guarantees deposits up to €100,000.

Tips for ensuring your safety

Research the neobank: Check if the neobank is licensed and regulated by appropriate authorities. Look for information on deposit insurance and customer reviews.

Use strong security practices: Enable two-factor authentication, use biometric verification if available, and create strong, unique passwords for your accounts.

Monitor your accounts: Regularly check your account activity and set up real-time alerts to quickly detect and respond to any suspicious transactions.

Stay informed: Keep abreast of any changes in the neobank’s policies or regulatory status, and be aware of common online banking scams.


Jinny Xu

Jinny Xu is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Fintech and AI. She graduated from Chongqing Institute of Foreign Studies.Send tips to

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