8 problems that blockchain solves

  • Blockchain enables direct peer-to-peer transactions, cutting out the need for intermediaries like banks and brokers, thus fostering trust and reducing costs.
  • The immutable nature of blockchain ensures that once data is recorded, it cannot be altered, providing transparency and tamper-proof records of transactions.
  • Blockchain-based smart contracts automate and enforce the terms of agreements, streamlining processes and minimising the potential for disputes.

Blockchain technology, a decentralised ledger system, offers solutions to diverse challenges. By eliminating intermediaries, ensuring data integrity, and enabling smart contracts, blockchain addresses issues of trust and transparency. And its decentralised architecture fosters a network where transactions are verifiable and immutable.

1. Trust and transparency

Traditional transactions often involve intermediaries such as banks, brokers, and legal representatives, leading to delays, additional costs, and increased risk of fraud. Blockchain technology allows for peer-to-peer transactions, cutting out middlemen and fostering direct, trustless interactions between parties.

The blockchain’s immutable nature ensures that once data is recorded, it cannot be altered retroactively without consensus from the network participants. This transparency and tamper-proof nature of blockchain ledgers enhance trust among users, as they can verify the authenticity and integrity of transactions independently.

Smart contracts, self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code, automate and enforce the execution of agreements. By removing the need for intermediaries and providing transparent execution, smart contracts streamline processes, reduce costs, and minimise the potential for disputes.

2. Security and data integrity

Blockchain employs cryptographic techniques to secure transactions and data, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity. Each block in the chain is cryptographically linked to the previous one, forming an immutable and tamper-evident record of transactions.

Traditional centralised systems are vulnerable to single points of failure and cyberattacks. In contrast, blockchain operates on a decentralised network of nodes, where each node stores a copy of the entire blockchain. This distributed architecture enhances security by eliminating central points of control and making it harder for malicious actors to compromise the network.

In centralised databases, inconsistencies can arise due to human error, software bugs, or malicious tampering. Blockchain’s consensus mechanisms ensure data consistency across the network, as all participants agree on the validity of transactions before they are added to the ledger. This consensus-driven approach minimises the risk of data manipulation and ensures the integrity of the blockchain.

Also read: What is the difference between fintech and blockchain?

3. Traceability and supply chain management

Blockchain technology enables end-to-end visibility and traceability in supply chains by recording every transaction and movement of goods on the blockchain. From raw material sourcing to production, distribution, and retail, stakeholders can track the journey of products in real-time, ensuring accountability and compliance with standards and regulations.

Counterfeit goods pose a significant challenge for industries such as pharmaceuticals, luxury goods, and electronics. By recording product information on a blockchain, manufacturers can create unique digital fingerprints or serial numbers for each item, making it easier to verify authenticity and identify counterfeit products.

Traditional supply chain processes involve complex paperwork, manual record-keeping, and inefficient communication between stakeholders. Blockchain streamlines logistics operations by providing a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates real-time tracking, automated payments, and smart contracts for seamless coordination between parties.

4. Financial inclusion and accessibility

Traditional banking systems often impose high fees and lengthy processing times for cross-border transactions, especially in regions with limited access to financial services. Blockchain-based payment solutions offer faster, cheaper, and more inclusive alternatives by enabling instant peer-to-peer transfers without intermediaries.

Blockchain enables the efficient processing of microtransactions, allowing for the transfer of small amounts of value without incurring prohibitive transaction fees. This opens up new possibilities for monetising digital content, supporting emerging business models, and empowering individuals in the digital economy.

Blockchain-powered crowdfunding platforms, such as Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and Security Token Offerings (STOs), democratise access to capital by allowing entrepreneurs and innovators to raise funds directly from a global pool of investors. By bypassing traditional fundraising channels, blockchain eliminates barriers to entry and fosters entrepreneurship and innovation.

A businessman is holding text blockchain in hand with icons network connection on blue security and digital connection background.

5. Identity management and authentication

Blockchain enables individuals to have control over their digital identities through self-sovereign identity solutions. Users can store their identity attributes on a blockchain in a secure and tamper-proof manner, allowing them to selectively disclose information without relying on centralised authorities.

Blockchain-based identity verification systems streamline the authentication process by providing a single source of truth for identity information. This reduces the need for repetitive identity checks and mitigates the risk of identity theft and fraud, enhancing security and privacy for users.

Digital identities on the blockchain enable underserved populations, such as refugees and undocumented migrants, to access essential services like banking, healthcare, and education. By providing a verifiable and portable identity, blockchain promotes financial inclusion and empowers individuals to participate fully in society.

6. Intellectual property rights and royalties

Blockchain technology offers a decentralised solution for managing digital rights and royalties by recording ownership and licensing information on a transparent and immutable ledger. This ensures that creators receive fair compensation for their work and enables transparent royalty distribution among rights holders.

Smart contracts on the blockchain automate royalty payments based on predefined terms and conditions, eliminating manual processes and intermediaries involved in royalty collection and distribution. This reduces administrative costs, minimises disputes, and ensures timely and accurate payments to content creators.

By timestamping and encrypting digital content on the blockchain, creators can establish proof of ownership and deter piracy. Blockchain-based content distribution platforms provide secure and traceable channels for distributing digital assets while protecting creators’ intellectual property rights.

Also read: Ubisoft joins XPLA blockchain to validate digital asset ownership

7. Healthcare data management

Blockchain facilitates the secure and interoperable exchange of healthcare data among patients, providers, and other stakeholders. By maintaining a unified and tamper-proof record of patient information, blockchain enhances care coordination, reduces medical errors, and improves patient outcomes.

Blockchain-based solutions enable patients to control access to their health data and grant permission to healthcare providers and researchers on a need-to-know basis. This enhances patient privacy, confidentiality, and trust in the healthcare system while ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.

Blockchain enhances the integrity and transparency of the medical supply chain by tracking the provenance, storage, and distribution of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and other healthcare products. This helps prevent counterfeit drugs, ensure product quality, and expedite recalls and regulatory compliance.

8. Environmental sustainability

Blockchain technology enables transparent and auditable tracking of carbon emissions and offsets by recording environmental data on a decentralised ledger. This promotes accountability and incentivises sustainable practices among businesses and individuals, contributing to global efforts to combat climate change.

By tracing the origins and lifecycle of products on the blockchain, consumers can make informed choices based on environmental and ethical considerations. Blockchain-powered supply chain solutions promote transparency, fair trade, and sustainability across industries such as agriculture, fashion, and electronics.

Blockchain facilitates peer-to-peer energy trading among producers and consumers in decentralised energy markets. This enables renewable energy producers to sell excess energy directly to consumers, fostering renewable energy adoption, reducing dependence on fossil fuels, and empowering local communities to actively participate in sustainable energy initiatives.


Lydia Luo

Lydia Luo, an intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in IT infrastructure. She graduated from Shanghai University of International Business and Economics. Send tips to j.y.luo@btw.media.

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