3 crucial points from Tomio Geron’s opinion on information safety

  • In the digital age, the protection of personal information is particularly important. Tomio Geron pointed out that although finance apps themselves are not more susceptible to hacker attacks than other apps, once they are compromised, users’ financial security will be directly threatened.
  • In addition to the security issues of personal finance applications, the newly proposed legislation in New York has also attracted widespread attention.
  • The response to this legislation varies across different sectors of society.

Convenience and caution is one thing which needs to be balanced, while finance apps offer convenience in managing finances and social media platforms provide avenues for connection and expression, they also present potential risks. People should be more vigilant about such things as pie in the sky.
–Miurio Huang, BTW reporter

With the rapid advancement of technology, personal finance applications are gradually becoming an indispensable part of people’s daily lives. However, while enjoying the convenience of these services, users also face the risks of data breaches and hacker attacks. Recently, in The Wall Street Journal’s Tech News Briefing program, experts Tomio Geron and host Julie Chang delved into a discussion on how to protect oneself while using personal finance applications. Meanwhile, the proposed new legislation in New York has also sparked public concern about how social media affects minors.

Focus on privacy

In the digital age, the protection of personal information is particularly important. Tomio Geron pointed out that although finance apps themselves are not more susceptible to hacker attacks than other apps, once they are compromised, users’ financial security will be directly threatened. Therefore, users need to pay extra attention to the source and security of the app when downloading new finance applications.

Geron suggested that users should ensure that the app has comprehensive security and privacy policies when downloading finance applications. They should also download apps from official app stores such as the App Store or Play Store to avoid downloading from unknown links or websites to prevent the download of counterfeit apps. In addition, users should regularly update their apps to receive the latest security patches and feature updates.

Also read: Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited: Leading the charge in sustainable finance

Also read: Safety of digital banks: Are your finances secure?

Newly legislation

In addition to the security issues of personal finance applications, the newly proposed legislation in New York has also attracted widespread attention. New York is planning to enact legislation to protect minors from the influence of social media algorithms.

The legislation plans to prohibit social media companies from using algorithms to push content to minors unless they have explicit consent from parents or guardians. This is aimed at protecting minors from being influenced by harmful information on social media and safeguarding their mental and physical well-being.

With the popularity of social media, minors are increasingly exposed to various information. However, due to their lack of sufficient discernment and self-control, they are easily influenced by harmful information. The new legislation in New York is addressing this issue by requiring social media companies to obtain explicit consent from parents or guardians before pushing content to minors. Additionally, social media companies must establish strict review mechanisms to ensure that the content pushed aligns with the age and interest needs of minors.

Various response

The response to this legislation varies across different sectors of society. Supporters believe that the legislation will help protect the mental and physical well-being of minors and reduce their exposure to harmful information. Opponents, on the other hand, argue that the legislation may limit minors’ access to information and affect their growth and development. However, regardless of opinions, this legislation has prompted deep reflection on how social media influences minors.

In the digital age, the protection of personal information and the online safety of minors are becoming increasingly prominent issues. We need to strengthen the formulation and enforcement of relevant laws and regulations to ensure that users can enjoy the convenience brought by technology while receiving adequate protection. At the same time, we also need to raise public awareness of online safety and educate them on how to use technology products correctly to avoid being influenced by harmful information. Only in this way can we collectively build a safe and healthy online environment.


Miurio Huang

Miurio Huang is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in AI. She graduated from Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University. Send tips to m.huang@btw.media.

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