Interview with Neusoft Reach: Innovating vehicle-cloud integration and autonomous driving solutions

  • Neusoft Reach, a leader in automotive technology, provides foundational software, SOA middleware, autonomous driving solutions, and integrated vehicle cloud technologies, driving future innovation.
  • A senior executive from Neusoft Reach’s software development department shares his insights into the NeuSAR platform and its role in advancing autonomous driving and intelligent vehicle architectures with BTW Media.

Neusoft Reach is an industry-leading supplier of basic software, SOA middleware, autonomous driving, and cross domain integrated vehicle cloud technology products and services. With software technology as its core, the company integrates key technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, and basic software, and focuses on key areas such as autonomous driving, intelligent network connection, basic software, and operating system. And it provides outstanding and iteratively upgraded core technologies, software and hardware integration products, and software platform products for automotive enterprises in the future technological innovation and development. Neusoft Reach currently has production bases and service points in Shanghai, Chongqing, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shenyang, and Dalian in China, as well as Tokyo and Utsunomiya in Japan.

Recently, BTW Media had the opportunity to conduct an exclusive interview with a senior executive from Neusoft Reach’s software development department. In our conversation, we delved into the company’s cutting-edge NeuSAR platform and its contributions to autonomous driving and intelligent vehicle architectures. We also explored how NeuSAR supports AI application development in vehicles, the achievements of the NeuSAR cCore platform in ensuring safe and efficient development of intelligent driving applications, and the role of Reachauto’s cloud-based platform in advancing mobility services.

Q: Could you introduce the various products under Reachauto, such as the NeuSAR platform?

“To better tackle the engineering challenges of advanced autonomous driving within a vehicle-cloud integration context, Neusoft Reach has enhanced its whole-vehicle SOA software architecture. The upgraded system supports cross-domain integration, big data, and large AI models, ensuring safety and reliability.”

Neusoft Reach team

The NeuSAR integrated software development platform provides AUTOSAR-compatible basic components, cross-domain middleware, and development tools. Focusing on high-level autonomous driving needs, it offers infrastructure for cross-chip, cross-domain controllers, cross-application message buses, vehicle status tables, and task auto-scheduling, addressing engineering challenges of end-to-end large model applications under high load conditions in vehicles. Neusoft Reach’s L1-L3 level autonomous driving products have been widely adopted by leading domestic automakers, including fully localised, cost-effective commercial vehicle intelligence compliance products and the X-Box series of domain controllers for L2+ level driving and parking integration across different market segments. For the implementation of new central electronic and electrical architectures, Neusoft Reach has introduced the X-Center 2.0 product based on single-chip solutions, offering better solutions in terms of hardware costs, software platforming, and vehicle-cloud integration, assisting automakers in developing highly competitive intelligent driving functions and rich human-vehicle interaction experiences.

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Q: How does the NeuSAR software platform support the development and deployment of AI applications in vehicles?

For the development of AI innovative applications, NeuSAR upgrades Python language development interfaces and WebService invocation methods, supporting rapid import and deployment of cloud-native applications. Leveraging powerful vehicle-cloud integration technology, it breaks the limitations of onboard resources, enabling cloud resource sharing, thus laying the foundation for the application of AI general large language models in vehicles. Currently, the NeuSAR software development platform has been mass-produced in numerous vehicle models of various automakers, aiding OEMs in creating innovative features and continuously iterating functional experiences. It also integrates well with many localised algorithms, communications, security, and chip, microkernel enterprises, collectively providing lower-cost, higher-quality software and hardware system solutions for automakers.

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Q: Could you describe the achievements and capabilities of the NeuSAR cCore platform in enabling safe and efficient development of intelligent driving applications for OEMs?

“At present, the NeuSAR cCore basic software platform has completed adaptation to multi-core operating systems based on Horizon’s Journey 6 series, aiming to empower automakers to develop intelligent driving applications more safely and efficiently.”

Neusoft Reach team

The NeuSAR basic software platform has been extensively deployed in mainstream brands both domestically and internationally, helping OEMs create innovative features and continuously iterate functional experiences. The NeuSAR cCore full stack complies with the AUTOSAR CP R21-11 standard and is the first in China to receive ISO26262 ASILD functional safety certification. Currently, it includes more than 80 modules, with over 30 multi-core modules, and provides the industry’s first VTA-certified information security full-stack solution and a bootloader platforming solution in multiple bus formats.

Q: How does Neusoft Reach’s cloud-based platform support the evolution of autonomous driving and intelligent vehicle architectures, and enhance innovation for automotive manufacturers?

In terms of cloud capability layout, Neusoft Reach has built a progressively ascending cloud service capability from autonomous driving to mobility services. Through the integration of cloud computing power, the autonomous driving platform can effectively collect and analyse data scenes in the cloud and rapidly iterate, supporting the continuous self-evolution of the intelligent driving software platform throughout its lifecycle. Additionally, Neusoft Reach has constructed a vehicle-cloud integrated platform centered around cloud computing and virtualisation, above the physical layer support of communication technologies and in-vehicle chip computing power. By leveraging cloud simulation and low-code development modes, it supports real-time dynamic data extraction and analysis in the cloud, achieving cross-domain data connectivity and efficient collaboration with artificial intelligence.

Now deeply collaborating with many automakers, Neusoft Reach empowers Honda, GAC, Geely, Changan, and others in continuous evolution of whole vehicle architecture and vehicle-cloud platforms, accelerating the upgrade of automakers’ intelligence levels and differentiated innovations. The “Cloud Space” jointly created by Neusoft Reach and Geely Auto serves as an advanced and powerful vehicle-cloud integrated platform. By leveraging cloud computing power, it breaks the limitations of computing power and ecosystem expansion, supporting users to enjoy AAA-level games with up to 1080P real-time rendering, real-time updates and iterations of application software, achieving small computing power’s “cloud” entry into the digital world, bringing users an ultimate experience without concerns about computing power, ecosystem, or cross-terminal interconnection.

Q: How does Neusoft Reach view the future development trends of the intelligent automobile market? What are its strategic priorities for the future?

“In the future, as vehicle-road-cloud integration enters a new phase of scale application, Reachauto will leverage its core technological capabilities in software, combining practical experiences in operating systems, autonomous driving, and vehicle-cloud integration.”

Neusoft Reach team

With an open and cooperative ecosystem philosophy, Neusoft Reach will collaborate with automakers and upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry to jointly build a “vehicle-road-cloud integration” vision, exploring the accelerated implementation of intelligent connected vehicles with a “Chinese solution”. It will continue to uphold the principles of sharing, openness, collaboration, and innovation. Working together with industry partners, our company aims to build an open, standardised software architecture, along with interface specifications and application frameworks. These efforts will foster a thriving automotive ecosystem and accelerate product differentiation driven by AI large models in the market. Ultimately, this will promote the automotive industry’s move towards a more intelligent and sustainably developed future.

Reachauto boosts intelligent vehicle innovation and AI application development

Reflecting on this interview with the senior executive from Reachauto’s software development department, I am struck by the company’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of automotive innovation.

Facing the continuous development of future intelligent automobiles, Reachauto has developed an integrated vehicle-cloud full-stack product. By constructing in-vehicle product technology capabilities and deploying cloud platform abilities, Reachauto empowers automotive enterprises to achieve efficient innovation and continuous iteration in intelligence. This also provides forward-looking technological support for the scaled application and implementation of intelligent connected vehicles. Drawing on years of practical experience and accumulated knowledge from technology research, development, and mass-production projects, the independently developed software development platform, NeuSAR, not only offers basic software compliant with the latest AUTOSAR standards but also builds middleware components suitable for cross-domain integration and targeted at autonomous driving. This facilitates the flexible deployment of applications across vehicles and clouds, aiding the efficient and convenient development of AI applications.

As a journalist observing these developments, it is clear that Reachauto is not just keeping pace with the evolving landscape of the intelligent automobile market; it is leading the charge.


Vicky Wu

Vicky is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in AI and Blockchain. She graduated from Dalian University of Foreign Languages. Send tips to

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