APrIGF 2024: Building the future of internet governance in Asia

  • Keynote by Jun Murai on responsible Internet governance paves the way for critical discussions.
  • Opening plenary addresses the challenges and opportunities in digital rights and security.

Attending APrIGF 2024 feels like standing at a pivotal point in the digital world. The urgency of the discussions is palpable, as we confront a future where the Internet could either bring us closer together or widen the divides. The focus on responsible governance isn’t just an abstract concept; it’s a rallying cry. Leaders like Jun Murai and today’s participants reminded us that we are all stakeholders in this global digital community. Their insights make it clear that without thoughtful, inclusive governance, we risk creating a fragmented and inequitable digital world.
Doris Du, BTW reporter

The Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) and Taiwan Internet Governance Forum (TWIGF) began today, bringing together industry leaders and policymakers to shape the future of Internet governance in the region. Held at the NTUH International Convention Center in Taipei, the event kicked off with a compelling keynote by Professor Jun Murai from Keio University, who underscored the importance of responsible governance in the digital era.

What happened

The opening ceremony of APrIGF & TWIGF 2024 featured key figures such as Amrita Choudhury, Kenny Huang, Kuo-Wei Wu, and Vint Cerf, who explored the evolving challenges in Internet governance. Jun Murai’s keynote, titled “Shaping Responsible Internet Governance,” urged the global community to cultivate a secure and inclusive digital environment. This was followed by a plenary session moderated by Pavitra Ramanujam, where industry experts, including Heather Adkins of Google and Lisa Garcia of Foundation for Media Alternatives, discussed the implications of digital rights and security.

Also Read:  TWIGF 2024 opens with focus on AI and digital resilience

Why it’s important

This year’s APrIGF & TWIGF is a crucial forum for addressing the pressing issues of Internet fragmentation, cybersecurity, and digital rights in the Asia-Pacific region. As the digital landscape grows increasingly complex, these discussions are vital for ensuring that policies evolve alongside technological advancements, all while safeguarding users’ rights. The keynote by Jun Murai and the opening plenary laid a strong foundation for the forum, highlighting both the opportunities and responsibilities that accompany digital innovation.

The discussions at APrIGF & TWIGF underscore a critical juncture for the future of the Internet. As we navigate this digital crossroads, the emphasis on responsible governance is not only necessary but imperative. The forum’s dialogue serves as both a challenge and an inspiration, reminding us that the decisions we make today will shape the digital world of tomorrow. The collective commitment of participants highlights the Internet’s role as more than just a technological tool—it’s a cornerstone of society, and the choices we make now will resonate through generations.


Doris Du

Doris Du is a reporter at BTW Media. She graduated with a master's degree in Translating and Interpreting from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Send tips to d.du@btw.media.

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