Could quantum computing pose a threat to bitcoin?

  • Quantum computing poses a potential threat to bitcoin security by potentially compromising private keys, decrypting encryption through quantum algorithms, and initiating quantum attacks on bitcoin mining.
  • Ongoing efforts are dedicated to creating quantum-resistant algorithms and encryption standards. At present, the current state of quantum technology does not immediately endanger bitcoin’s security.

In recent years, academics and industry experts have speculated about the potential implications of quantum computing technology on both blockchain technology in general and cryptocurrencies in particular.

Quantum computers possess the capability to break the most advanced cryptographic protocols, including those utilised by blockchain protocols currently in operation.

This raises the question: Is bitcoin at risk?

What is quantum computing?

Quantum computing, an emerging technology, utilises the principles of quantum mechanics to handle information.

It is built upon the foundation of quantum mechanics, which enables unique features such as superposition and entanglement. These qualities have the potential to make quantum computers significantly more powerful than traditional ones.

In contrast to conventional computers, which utilise bits to encode information as either a 0 or a 1, quantum computers employ quantum bits, or qubits, which may exist in several states simultaneously. They can therefore do some computations significantly faster than conventional computers.

Quantum computing may have a significant influence on bitcoin mining.

Bitcoin mining requires solving intricate mathematical puzzles to authenticate transactions and append them to the blockchain. The process demands substantial processing power, necessitating specialised equipment and software. Quantum computers have the potential to expedite these tasks compared to conventional computers, potentially enhancing the efficiency of bitcoin mining.

Also read: Bitcoin now 80 trillion times more difficult to mine, with halving set for April

Can quantum computers mine bitcoin faster?

Bitcoin mining involves solving complex mathematical puzzles, a task that quantum computers can perform much faster than traditional ones. However, the implications of quantum computing on bitcoin mining remain uncertain.

Quantum computers could make mining more productive, but they might also make the bitcoin network more vulnerable to quantum attacks. Many encryption methods used to secure bitcoin rely on public key cryptography, which is susceptible to quantum computer attacks.

As of right now, no quantum computer can mine bitcoin more efficiently than a traditional computer. However, it is possible that quantum bitcoin mining will materialise in the future as quantum technology advances.

Pop quiz

What is a qubit in quantum computing?

A. A unit

B. A state

C. A process

D. A gate

The correct answer is at the bottom of the article. 

Is quantum computing a threat to bitcoin?

There’s no immediate threat—quantum computing is still developing, and significant advancements are needed to pose a real risk to bitcoin.

Dmitry Mishunin from HashEX Blockchain Security

Quantum computing poses a threat to bitcoin security by potentially exploiting its encryption with quantum algorithms.

Bitcoin transactions and private keys are safeguarded by complex mathematical algorithms employed by traditional computers.

Quantum computers can solve these problems much faster than regular computers, making them easier targets for hacking.

Dmitry Mishunin from HashEX Blockchain Security.

Quantum computers, with their significant processing capabilities, might be able to break the cryptographic protocols protecting bitcoin’s encryption. If successful, this could grant access to sensitive data like private keys, allowing unauthorised control over bitcoin wallets.

About a quarter of all bitcoins are in danger because their owners use unhashed public keys. If a really strong quantum computer is built later on, it could take advantage of this weakness and access a big part of the existing bitcoins.

Just as Dmitry Mishunin from HashEX Blockchain Security, provider of blockchain security and analytics, stated: “If a quantum computer powerful enough were developed, it could theoretically compromise bitcoin wallets, especially those with exposed public keys. Yet, the bitcoin community is proactive; an upgrade to a quantum-resistant algorithm could be implemented if such a threat becomes imminent.”

Also read: Equinix serves fully managed service for NVIDIA Supercomputing

Another threat aims at bitcoin mining. Quantum computers can do calculations much faster, risking centralised control and weakening bitcoin’s security.

Yet, it’s important to note that quantum computing is still in its early stages and lacks the capability to execute algorithm at the scale needed to decrypt bitcoin. While small-scale quantum computers have factored small numbers, a large-scale one capable of breaking bitcoin’s encryption remains distant.

Although this threat isn’t immediate due to quantum technology limitations, it underscores the importance of developing quantum-resistant encryption to protect against future risks.

This coincides with Mishunin’s comments: “There’s no immediate threat—quantum computing is still developing, and significant advancements are needed to pose a real risk to bitcoin.”

Now, we can address the question posed at the beginning. Although the emergence of quantum computing raises concerns about its potential threat to Bitcoin security, the current state of quantum technology does not immediately endanger the integrity of the Bitcoin network. Ongoing advancements in quantum technology require vigilance and preparedness within the cryptocurrency community.

The correct answer is A, a uint.


Sylvia Shen

Sylvia Shen is an editorial assistant at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Fintech and Blockchain. She graduated from the University of California, Davis. Send tips to

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