WebSprix IT Solution PLC pioneers Ethiopia’s digital transformation

  • WebSprix IT Solution PLC has revolutionised connectivity in Ethiopia, bridging the digital divide and transforming key sectors such as education, healthcare, and agriculture. 
  • By leveraging advanced technologies and sustainable infrastructure, the company has made high-speed broadband more accessible and affordable. 
  • Through strategic partnerships and navigating regulatory changes, WebSprix is committed to building a robust information infrastructure, positioning Ethiopia for a digitally connected future.

How does WebSprix transform connectivity in Ethiopia

WebSprix IT Solution PLC has significantly transformed Ethiopia’s connectivity landscape by making high-speed broadband more accessible and affordable across the country. In 2016, when connectivity was scarce and expensive, WebSprix recognised the potential to close this digital gap. Under the leadership of its CEO, who brought extensive experience from the global telecom industry, the company embarked on an ambitious mission to build a Tier 1 core network in Ethiopia. Partnering with Cisco, WebSprix implemented Routed Optical Networking technology, which streamlined network management and reduced costs by 30-40%. This advanced infrastructure enables WebSprix to deliver faster, more reliable internet services, supporting critical sectors such as education, healthcare, and agriculture. 

Beyond technological innovation, WebSprix navigates Ethiopia’s challenging regulatory environment, dominated by the state-owned Ethio Telecom. Initially, WebSprix has to work within this monopoly, but with the recent deregulation of the telecom sector, the company gains the ability to establish its own transport system and expand its services. WebSprix’s strategy includes leasing fiber from the power company, allowing the expansion of broadband to rural and underserved areas. Moreover, the company introduces new services like IPTV, voice, and SMS, and launches Ethiopia’s first innovative hosting services. These efforts not only enhances internet access but also empowers local businesses, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities, positioning WebSprix as a key player in Ethiopia’s digital transformation and economic growth.

As CEO of WebSprix, I saw the chance to use the knowledge I had accumulated through years of working in service provider environments. I felt a duty to improve connectivity, and I also saw a business opportunity to fulfill a need by bringing down the cost of broadband.

Dawit Birhanu, CEO of WebSprix

Dawit Birhanu, CEO of WebSprix IT Solution PLC, has been a driving force behind the company’s mission to enhance Ethiopia’s digital landscape. Reflecting on his journey, Dawit stated, “As CEO of WebSprix, I saw the chance to use the knowledge I had accumulated through years of working in service provider environments. I felt a duty to improve connectivity, and I also saw a business opportunity to fulfill a need by bringing down the cost of broadband.” This vision has guided WebSprix in making high-speed broadband more accessible and affordable, playing a key role in the country’s ongoing digital transformation.

About WebSprix IT Solution PLC 

WebSprix IT Solution PLC is a leading Internet service provider (ISP) in Ethiopia dedicated to bridging the country’s digital divide by providing high-speed broadband services. The company is not only focused on providing faster and more stable Internet connectivity, but also comprehensively supporting Ethiopia’s economic and social development through innovative services in areas such as digital education, telemedicine, and smart agriculture.

As a local company, WebSprix continues to expand its services, actively respond to regulatory changes in the country, and work closely with the government and existing telecom operators to bring next-generation connectivity to previously unserved regions. WebSprix is committed to being a key force driving Ethiopia’s digital future and laying a solid foundation for the country’s long-term development.


Rae Li

Rae Li is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering IT infrastructure and Internet governance. She graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle. Send tips to rae.li@btw.media.

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